how to keep friendship的英语作文,150字,

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how to keep friendship的英语作文,150字,
how to keep friendship的英语作文,150字,

how to keep friendship的英语作文,150字,
One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives, goes a famous saying. Of no doubt friendship is one of the most precious feelings people can possess. In this paper I will analyze a poem “How to keep a setter” devoted to friendship.
“Understand that attraction to the birds is only natural”. These first lines of the poem are separated for independent stanza. The main theme of work, friendship with dog, is expressed here. Understanding the one you love is an important part of relationships, even if it seems unusual to your own point of view. The author persuades a listener to completely surrender the dog’s reflexes and encourage them.
“He might be trained to sway from posturing and pointing”… In this part the speaker describes the setter’s behavior. He means that the dog may as well be understanding and obedient. He (the setter) can become a good friend and may be trained to execute a large number of commands. In these lines the author implies that understanding towards somebody comes back to us with mutual understanding, even deeper one.
The next lines, however, contrast the previous: …“but don’t demand prostration of the face”. Here the author outlines that there are some certain things we must not demand from others as they are impossible to do. Thus, even the cleverest and most faithful dog would not act against its principles. In this poem such principle of the dog is his pride. He is too proud to be trained to deliberately show emotions on a face. This idea continues in the next lines: “A high-held mask of pride helps him become your champion”. No matter what, the setter always looks noble, and also proud of being the person’s best friend. He tries his best to be the first for his master in everything he does to be his champion.
“Don’t just pat his head – stroke the golden apple of his throat”. With other words, do not ever make any casual and negligent acts to your dog that we usually do automatically. The dog-keeper should show his emotions and feelings towards his setter. He must put his tenderness and admiration to his friend in every single detail. Even patting the dog’s head should become an expression of feelings worth the setter.
“On balmy evening walks, don’t hurry”. The author offers to turn routine evening walks with the setter to a wonderful trip of two dearest friends, the human and the dog. “Let him nose the honeyed air”. If you love and respect your dog, you will allow him to enjoy these small details that people usually do not notice. We do not pay attention to the smell of sweet evening air, the freshness of grass, the beauty of nature. Dogs do. The setter’s master must try to do every thing the dog does himself, especially during these evening journeys. “Maybe take a tumble in it with him”. The dog will certainly appreciate if his master joins him, plays with him, dives in the grass, and enjoys the fresh air. People should try it if they really sincerely love their dogs.
“When he comes to your sweet call, remember you aren’t the only creature singing”. This stanza continues describing dogs’ behavior. Of no doubt the master is the dearest creature for the dog. Of course the master’s voice is the sweetest for him and sounds like singing. However, people must never get conceited about it. Always keep in mind that you should behave unpretentious towards your dog. Be modest and never too proud.
“Applaud the concentration”. Encourage your setter’s attempts to be focused on important primarily. The dog concentrates on his master first of all, and humans should necessarily show their gladness about it.
The author thinks that there may be many various reasons for such attitude. “For some it’s a question of chemistry, for others, a matter of best-friendship”. Your attitude is a reflection of your real feelings towards your dog. Some dog-keepers treat their dogs as regular pets, others – as bothersome family members. Treat your dog as best friend and you will feel their warmth, faithfulness, and best-friendship in return, the author tells by these lines.
“And oh, what people do for such companions”. In this stanza the author persuades the listener to behave appropriately with such companions like dogs. “Learn to love the dirt or if you love it learn to show it”. Dogs are animals, and they often enjoy activities that our mind refuses to accept. They like to somersault in mud, and the author of this poem offers the setter’s master to do the same for better understanding of a dogs’ nature. As for instincts for dogs are their leading forces, they easily show their emotions and wishes. According to the author’s idea, people should learn from dogs to demonstrate their desires. Besides, humans are animals as well hence it is only natural to act like this.
“Learn to love the killer instinct, and the dumbness that’s the basis of loyalty”. In these lines the author proceeds with an idea of natural instincts. The dog-keepers’ mind must differ from common humans’. They need to experience their dog’s killer instinct. Besides, people must respect the dog’s loyalty. Dogs keep silence and never argue with their beloved masters, thus we must appreciate it.
The last lines of this poem probably are the most important for its major theme, though the shortest. “He wears your leash and paces happily at your side”. The dog is happy to simply walk together with his master even being led on a leash. “You lead sometimes, sometimes he”. Your dog knows that you are the leader. However, caring and loving master always makes the dog an equal partner and lets him lead sometimes.
The poem “How to keep a setter” is an ode to human love and friendship. Of no doubt the author loves dogs, especially setters. He calls for understanding and warm attitude towards men’s best friends. To my mind, however, the poem has a deeper meaning. In my opinion the author implies the relationships between people themselves. Love and understanding between all the creatures in the world – this is the essence of the poem.