I ( )“not go”to the zoo last Sunday.用所给的词的适当形式填空

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 04:41:25

I ( )“not go”to the zoo last Sunday.用所给的词的适当形式填空
I ( )“not go”to the zoo last Sunday.用所给的词的适当形式填空

I ( )“not go”to the zoo last Sunday.用所给的词的适当形式填空
didn't go

did't go你也是行星饭吗,因为你的头像是世勋和灿烈对滴嗯嗯,我素行星饭内嗯哪。看头像看出来了嗯哪。看头像看出来了呵呵你多大了^v^嗯。19哇,和世勋差不多耶是呀是呀好幸运哦是呀挺开心的你有QQ不,加下你好不可以。837803600我们行星饭的力量真强大是啊。行星饭越来越多了我还认识好多饭们,下次介绍给你认识下^v^你素哪里人讷好呀。太感谢了O(∩_∩)O山东的哦哦,山东是个好地方还好吧。你嘞...


did't go


-I hope the children won't go near the fire.-I have told them( ).A,not to go B ,not C,not to D,not to go I not usually go to the cinema正确吗? I can not find the strength to let you go I need not go to the hospital 意思 I can not go to the movies with you tonight .Maybe a _____time.(首字母填空) I will not go to the meeting.she will go instead(合并) she will go to the meeting _____ __ ____ I didn not go to the part not because of the weather but because I didn not feel well(中译英) I did not go to the cinema with my friend as I ()(watch)the film twice 动词填空.. i am regretted ( )to the meeting last weekA.not goingB.not to go选哪个 为什么 I DO not want to fo to the party if you do not go,neither shall i为什么不是(neither do i) Tom will not go to the cinema.I will not ,either.合并为一句Tom will not go to the cinema and I ------- -------- -------- I want to go to the doctor,but you___with meA.need not to goB.do not need goC.need not goD.need go not -I wonder where I could ind some information about Shanghai Museum?-Why____on the Internet?A)don't go B)not go C)not to go D)not going As the saying goes:I do not go to the hell,who in the hell. I want to go to see the doctor,but you ____with me .为什么空格处天need not go而不是need not to go I am afraid I will not allow you to go to the pub改成 I am afraid I will not 两 空 your going to the pub Why not to go to the park 还是go to If I ()you,I would not go to the forest alonebe amwaswere希望能说下原因谢谢