from parent's care,love and hardship,i have to come to understand what a huge responsibility ---- is to raise a child.答案是it,为什么不能用what?i'm going to travel to china.would you please tell me someting about your experiences there?-----

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:57:50

from parent's care,love and hardship,i have to come to understand what a huge responsibility ---- is to raise a child.答案是it,为什么不能用what?i'm going to travel to china.would you please tell me someting about your experiences there?-----
from parent's care,love and hardship,i have to come to understand what a huge responsibility ---- is to raise a child.
i'm going to travel to china.would you please tell me someting about your experiences there?
----- let me do it over dinnner.
all means ,
---- seems to be a strong competition in china for senior high students to be admitted into colleges or universities.
答案是That ,为什么不能用it呢?好像我对于这样的题目是惯性的认为it了
we agreed to accept --- they thought was the best professor in the college .
where are you teaching now?
in a university.but i --- in a high school for 8 years
答案是taught,为什么不用had taught?不是完成时么?
it seems that you --- this report or you can see what i questioned just now
答案是haven't read,为什么不用hadn't read呢?
what did the girl come to your factory for?
shi wanted a job,---shi has never experienced before.
答案是one,为什么不用the one呢?这两个有区别吗?
with the successful launch of the shenzhou VII spaceship last year,more and more chinese people --- of one day living on the moon
答案是are dreaming,为什么不用dream,dreaming不是做梦的意思吗?
which do you prefer to --- your weekends,playing computer games or watching TV?
many people are thingking of outings during the spring festival,so cross-country cars ---- well these few days.
答案是are selling ,为什么不用sell?sell也能用进行时么?
the temperature will fall sharply the day after tomorrow,when a snowstorm ----- to strike our area.
expected,为什么不是will be expected呢?
the novels only --- the causes of the war,but doesn't do justice to the influence of the terrible killings.
答案是refers to.这句话是啥意思啊?感觉.没逻辑啊
the boy was sent to a poor village to spend the summer vacation,---happened to be his father's birthplace
---------- is no longer as easy at it once was
答案是choosing what to eat.为什么不是choose what to eat呢?
it's teacher's day again .let's go to mr liu's home and ---him
答案是greet.为啥不用say hello to 或者celebrate呢
if safety protections against the accidents ---- ,the miners ---- a chance to survive then.
答案是had been taken would have had,为什么?
the financial crisis and the suffering ---- has caused have a great influence on the whole world
答案是it,为什么不用which 或者what呢?

from parent's care,love and hardship,i have to come to understand what a huge responsibility ---- is to raise a child.答案是it,为什么不能用what?i'm going to travel to china.would you please tell me someting about your experiences there?-----
1.it是代词,代表responsibility,不能用what因为这不是复合句. all means:当然啦,一定可以.
5.其实答案应该是have taught,for XX years 通常用在完成时,之所以不用 had taught,因为他在大学教书还没结束.
6.与第五题同样道理,那是一般现在时的对话 是指任何一种,而the one是特定的某种,就是她想要任何一种她没体会过的工作.
8.dream在原句的意思是梦想着,而不是睡觉的做梦.如果你梦想上月球,不只是想一天,而是从现在开始持续很长时间,当然用are dreaming
11.这是惯性的用法,XX will...when XXX is ...
就像 if .XXX will ...
12.应该是refer to嘛,novels是复数名词,
15.say hello to 太过普通和口语化,celebrate是跟像festival,victory等等的事情 而不是庆祝人.greet是最好的答案.
16.都用过去完成时,因为miners(矿工)都已经遇难,像safety protections against the accidents 做足防止事故的安全措施,和 chance to survive 有机会生存 都是有在遇难可能发生,但实际没有.
17.如果用which,这句是不完整的句子,只有主语而没有谓语,实际上这是两句话,it就是代表financial crisis and the suffering 吧.

from parent's care,love and hardship,i have to come to understand what a huge responsibility ---- is to raise a child.


from parent's care,love and hardship,i have to come to understand what a huge responsibility ---- is to raise a child.
i'm going to travel to china. would you please tell me someting about your experiences there?
----- let me do it over dinnner.
答案是by all means ,这个短语是什么意思啊?
---- seems to be a strong competition in china for senior high students to be admitted into colleges or universities.
答案是That ,为什么不能用it呢?好像我对于这样的题目是惯性的认为it了
we agreed to accept --- they thought was the best professor in the college .
where are you teaching now?
in a university.but i --- in a high school for 8 years
答案是taught,为什么不用had taught?不是完成时么?
it seems that you --- this report or you can see what i questioned just now
答案是haven't read,为什么不用hadn't read呢?
what did the girl come to your factory for?
shi wanted a job,---shi has never experienced before.
答案是one,为什么不用the one呢?这两个有区别吗?
with the successful launch of the shenzhou VII spaceship last year,more and more chinese people --- of one day living on the moon
答案是are dreaming,为什么不用dream,dreaming不是做梦的意思吗?
[dream of有“设想”的意思,前面有be动词所以用ing。顺便说一句,dreaming是“有梦想的”的意思]
which do you prefer to --- your weekends,playing computer games or watching TV?
答案是to spend,感觉好奇怪
many people are thingking of outings during the spring festival, so cross-country cars ---- well these few days.
答案是are selling ,为什么不用sell?sell也能用进行时么?
the temperature will fall sharply the day after tomorrow,when a snowstorm ----- to strike our area.
答案是is expected,为什么不是will be expected呢?
the novels only --- the causes of the war,but doesn't do justice to the influence of the terrible killings.
答案是refers to。这句话是啥意思啊?感觉。。。没逻辑啊
the boy was sent to a poor village to spend the summer vacation,---happened to be his father's birthplace
[“whichhappened to be his father's birthplace”是用来修饰限制“a poor village”的,表一定的选择]
---------- is no longer as easy at it once was
答案是choosing what to eat.为什么不是choose what to eat呢?
it's teacher's day again .let's go to mr liu's home and ---him
答案是greet.为啥不用say hello to 或者celebrate呢
if safety protections against the accidents ---- ,the miners ---- a chance to survive then.
答案是had been taken would have had,为什么?
the financial crisis and the suffering ---- has caused have a great influence on the whole world
答案是it,为什么不用which 或者what呢?


by all means:尽一切办法, 一定


by all means:尽一切办法, 一定
这里应该用现在进行时,因为平常车卖得并不好。sell可以用进行时,例句:Grapes are selling high this season.
不是will be的原因是填空这里是从句,意思是在什么什么时候,这里会有大雪。从句如果还是will be的话就不符合逻辑了。
这句话的意思是,这些小说只提到了战争的原因,可是它们没有公平地去评论那些糟糕的屠杀的影响。refers to这里是提到的意思
say hello to的意思应该是打招呼,所以不恰当。如果要用celebeate后面应该加for.


1`用what??what is to raise a child??要么how to raise a child
2`by all means两个意思 当然可以/尽一切办法
3`it为什么不可以阿 我觉得that/it都很正确 - -
4`whoever在句中可作主语、宾语或表语,本身有意义;whomever在句中只能作宾语,本身也有意义,相当于anyone whom...


1`用what??what is to raise a child??要么how to raise a child
2`by all means两个意思 当然可以/尽一切办法
3`it为什么不可以阿 我觉得that/it都很正确 - -
4`whoever在句中可作主语、宾语或表语,本身有意义;whomever在句中只能作宾语,本身也有意义,相当于anyone whom
5`用taught我认为是不恰当的 要用完成时也应该用现玩have taught
6`请注意seems不是seemed 时态一致啊 !!
8`- - dreaming那就太不对了 动词就缺了呢
9`pfefer to么固定词组` to spend么我认为就是 to do动词的不定式 表示目的
10`these days这些天 进行时阿 看看逗号前面也是进行时 前后时态一致阿 sell为什么不能用进行时啊- - 正在卖东西多通顺阿
11`expect就是希望期望阿 各么有将来期望么 这个怎么将来呢 所以will和expect不可以摆在一起`
12`非常有逻辑阿 这个小说只提到了战争的原因 但是没有公平看待这残酷杀戮所带来的影响
13`where相当于in which 你换成in whichwhere是关系副词,在定语从句中充当地点状语,相当there;而which是一个关系代词,在定语从句中充当主语或宾语,相当于一个代词
14`这里缺的是一个主语。主语,一定要名词或者名词性的短语来充当 所以 要把chose作加ing的变成才可以填
15`- -这还有为什么阿 问候阿 celebrate - - 庆祝。。。去老师家里庆祝教师节吗...
16`表示过去的过去 /would have had 是虚拟语气 主要表达的是与事实相反的猜测 是对过去的虚拟 虚拟是个难点 要系统学习的
