从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,至少运用一种修辞手法,写一段描写春天景象的话.(80字之内)张望 点缀 不知不觉 莺歌燕舞 万紫千红 眼花缭乱 心旷神怡示例:不知不觉,春天

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:38:05

从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,至少运用一种修辞手法,写一段描写春天景象的话.(80字之内)张望 点缀 不知不觉 莺歌燕舞 万紫千红 眼花缭乱 心旷神怡示例:不知不觉,春天
(80字之内)张望 点缀 不知不觉 莺歌燕舞 万紫千红 眼花缭乱 心旷神怡

从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,至少运用一种修辞手法,写一段描写春天景象的话.(80字之内)张望 点缀 不知不觉 莺歌燕舞 万紫千红 眼花缭乱 心旷神怡示例:不知不觉,春天

Spring morning flaws to the morning, opened the curtains, open the Windows. Breeze, a breath of fresh, a delicate fragrance, light soil. Spring is coming so fast, quiet, and before you know it, the gr...


Spring morning flaws to the morning, opened the curtains, open the Windows. Breeze, a breath of fresh, a delicate fragrance, light soil. Spring is coming so fast, quiet, and before you know it, the grass green, sprouting branches, brilliant variety of wild flowers, rape opening, all bathed in the spring dawn of morning, shaking shoot with bow and arrow in the spring, light pendulum, as if the girl be joyous, lovely. Bio in the spring and wake up in the morning, showing life valuable, attractive. Spring morning wood on the hope that inspires passion in life. Full of the natural world is so beautiful at the moment: radiation rays of sunshine around everywhere showing off five-face color, was flying everywhere and melodic birds insects, wanders around with heady aromas. This is green, flowers of the world ocean. Picnic outing people is everywhere, kind of satisfaction of older persons, the joy laugh lovers, children and innocent smile. Mad and understand: enchanting beauty of spring is so, is because it makes people feel in this moment to bloom. Spring continuous rain and Spring Thunder, with the spring breeze, the continuous patter of raindrops come up. Spring rain silk, such as fog, smoke, such as tidal. Touzhe silk, all things in the world as light, and the mist of Freehand, huyinhuxian. I like the rain, not only like it changed to have sprung up in heroic bearing, is more like: stepping into the Misty Rain of light blue, in the rainy season, you hang out for me a rain-free world. Spring spring is lively and spring is hectic and spring is full of attitude and spring is the growth of young. Shadow of the spring is full of hard, people with their own hands sowing their firm belief and hope that will never change, sowing a real practice of love and selfless love. No spring riot? where autumn's fruitful? Spring night thinking of spring night, cage slack month yarn, pingping TINGTING. Air brushed face, long hair swept up. Yueguangrushui calm and gentle. I heart like the Moon, calm and gentle. What not to aim, just hope all the good start, there is a happy ending, as the long spring evening.






春回大地,风和日丽,万物复苏, 莺歌燕舞,到处是一派生机勃勃的景象。田野里,点缀在草地上的小花抬着头向四周张望;树林里,树木精神抖擞,容光焕发;公园里,百花竞相开放, 万紫千红。春天真美啊!

从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,写一段话.翩翩起舞 花蕊 千姿百态 拆散 祷告 从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,至少运用一种修辞手法,写一段描写春天景象的话.惬意 湛蓝 绚丽 挥汗如雨 含苞欲放 淅淅沥沥 从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,至少运用一种修辞手法,写一段描写人物动作的话卖弄 扰乱 狩猎 潜行 呼朋引伴 抖擞精神 从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,.至少运用一种修辞手法,写一段描写人物的话商酌 沉吟 寻思 笑吟吟 唯唯连声 对答如流 茶饭无心 从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,至少运用一种修辞手法,写一段描写人物行为.心理的话,惊奇 目光 张望 世界 颜色 从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,至少运用一种修辞手法,写一段描写秋天景象的话.秋高气爽、万里无云、心旷神怡、辽阔、一望无际、空旷 从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,至少运用一种修辞手法,写一段连贯的话著称 丰厚 引领 领域 承前启后 从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语.至少运用一种修辞手法,写一段话.飘翔 喧闹 吟唱 旋舞 芳馨 聚集 从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,至少运用一种修辞手法,写一段描写跳舞场面的话.闪射 火烈 大彻大悟 翻飞 飞溅 沉稳 从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,至少运用一种修辞手法,写一段描写人物神态的话瑟缩 含蓄 踌躇 恍惚 小心翼翼 忍俊不禁 从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,至少运用一种修辞手法,写一段连贯的话.承载 丘壑 威慑 别具匠心 水涨船高 首屈一指 从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,写一段描写人物心理的话执拗 心花怒放 喜出望外 迫不及待 诚惶诚恐 忐忑不安 从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,至少运用一种修辞手法,写一段赞美母爱的话.期盼 和煦 润泽 含辛茹苦 无微不至 任劳任怨 从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,至少运用一种修辞手法,写一段对人生感悟的话!(80字) 从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,至少运用一种修辞手法,写一段描述某人行动的话.孤舟 遥远 狭窄 小心翼翼 拜访 从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,至少运用一种修辞手法,写一段描写人物性格的话阻遏 悠闲 荡然无存 制裁 月明风清 从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,写一段描写人物心理的话执拗 心花怒放 喜出望外 迫不及待 诚惶诚恐 忐忑不安 从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,写一段话.静谧 酷爱 连续不断 更胜一筹 津津有味 毫不犹豫