Look !this is ().A a classroom 's picture.B a picture of a classroom C a classroom of a pictureD a classroom picture .,由此题说一说名词所有格,什么情况下用's,什么情况下用of

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 11:50:40

Look !this is ().A a classroom 's picture.B a picture of a classroom C a classroom of a pictureD a classroom picture .,由此题说一说名词所有格,什么情况下用's,什么情况下用of
Look !this is ().A a classroom 's picture.B a picture of a classroom C a classroom of a picture
D a classroom picture .,由此题说一说名词所有格,什么情况下用's,什么情况下用of

Look !this is ().A a classroom 's picture.B a picture of a classroom C a classroom of a pictureD a classroom picture .,由此题说一说名词所有格,什么情况下用's,什么情况下用of
答案选B a picture of a classroom
(1)表示有生命的东西(人或动物)的名词,在词尾加 's .例如:
Mr.Wang's book (王先生的书)
a fox's tail (狐狸的尾巴)
在以 s 结尾的名词(包括以 s 结尾的复数名词)的后面,只要加" ' ".
例如:Thomas' friend ( Thomas 的朋友)
the students'note-books (学生们的笔记本)
词尾没有 s 的复数名词,仍然是要加 's .
例如:a children's playground (儿童运动场)
the people's republic (人民共和国)
如果某一物体为两人或两人以上所共有,只需在后一个名词词尾加 's .
例如:Honghong and Lili's mother (红红和莉莉的妈妈)
Xiao hong,Xiao Li and Xiao Hua's books (小红,小莉和小华
(2)表示无生命的东西的名词,一般与 of 构成短语来表示所有关系.例如:
the leg of the table ( 桌子的腿 )
the cover of the book (书的封面 )
the students of the Foreign Languages Department (外语系的学
China's socialist construction (中国的社会主义建设)
the socialist construction of China (中国的社会主义建设)
有些指时间,距离,国家,城市的名词,也可以加" 's "构成所有格.例如:
today's newspaper (今天的报纸)
five minutes' talk (五分钟的谈话)
four kilometers'drive(四公里的车程)
China's capital (中国的首都)
Shanghai's population (上海的人口)