求这几道题的解析,11.---- I heard Backstreet Boys would sing at the New Theater.---- Where did you _______?A.pick that up B.put that up C.make that up D.take that up12.I came home very late last night,_______,early this morning.A.at the latest

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:42:17

求这几道题的解析,11.---- I heard Backstreet Boys would sing at the New Theater.---- Where did you _______?A.pick that up B.put that up C.make that up D.take that up12.I came home very late last night,_______,early this morning.A.at the latest
11.---- I heard Backstreet Boys would sing at the New Theater.
---- Where did you _______?
A.pick that up B.put that up C.make that up D.take that up
12.I came home very late last night,_______,early this morning.
A.at the latest B.on the whole C.in a word D.or rather
13.Life is like sport,I mean it’s a hard competitive business.
A.in which B.by which C.for which D.of which
14.—I was wondering whether perhaps you could remember the name of the place.
—I’m afraid that me for the moment.
A.reminds B.puzzles C.disturbs D.escapes
15.—Were all the three people in the car injured in the accident?
—No,only the two passengers who got hurt.w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m
A.it was B.there was C.there were D.there had
16.The exercise is not difficult but just needs care and patience.
A.by itself B.of itself C.in itself D.for itself
17.—Is there any particular soup you would like to have?
— you select is all right with me.
A.Whatever B.Anyone C.No matter what D.Whichever
18.He narrowly missed being seriously hurt,if not______,by the explosion.
A.killed B.being killed C.be killed D.to be killed
19.Few people paid full attention to their health conditions _____ they were seriously ill.
A.when B.if C.until D.before
20.The door and the windows were all closed and there was no ______ of forced entry.
A.scene B.show C.sign D.sight
11-15 ADBDA 16-20 CDACC
14、afraid that 后是选空

求这几道题的解析,11.---- I heard Backstreet Boys would sing at the New Theater.---- Where did you _______?A.pick that up B.put that up C.make that up D.take that up12.I came home very late last night,_______,early this morning.A.at the latest
11.pick up偶然获得(知识),这里是听说、听到的意思
B.put up张贴,挂,竖起;C.make up补偿,化妆,虚构;D.take up拿起
12.or rather换句话说,更准确地说
A.at the latest最晚 B.on the whole总体上 C.in a word一句话
A.in which 在……里面 C.for which为了…… D.of which……的
A.reminds提醒 B.puzzles使困惑 C.disturbs打扰 D.escapes逃脱,
escape one's tongue一时说不上来;escape one's memory/escape sb.忘记
A.by itself独自,单独 B.of itself独自 C.in itself本质上,就其本身而言 D.for itself亲自,独自,为自己.
18.这句既考省略句,又考非谓语.因为是省略句,所以无主语谓语.C.是原形动词be,所以错了,先排除.剩下的being是正在进行,与句义不符,而to be killed表将来,也与句义不符.只能选killed.
A.scene风景,场景 B.show秀,表演 C.sign记号,迹象 D.sight视力,看见


1 pick...up 无意听来的东西
2 D. or rather 或者说,换句话说 A. at the latest 最近 B. on the whole 总的来说 C. in a word 一句话说明了...
3 ? 不知道那里要填空啊.
4 ? 不知道那里要填空啊
5 ...
8 句子的意思其...


1 pick...up 无意听来的东西
2 D. or rather 或者说,换句话说 A. at the latest 最近 B. on the whole 总的来说 C. in a word 一句话说明了...
3 ? 不知道那里要填空啊.
4 ? 不知道那里要填空啊
5 ...
8 句子的意思其实是,就是说句子本来的顺序是 if he was not killed, he would narrowly missed being seriously hurt by the explosion.即使他不被炸死,他也难逃重伤
9 not...until 一直到..什么时候才.. 人们一直到他们自己生病了才会重视健康
10 A. scene 人和自然景物的场景 B. show 作动词时以为表示 作名词时意为表演 C. sign 信号, D. sight 视线


大哥 20分要人解析这么多题 太扣了吧
其实我知道解析的 嘿嘿easy!!

一道行测题.没看懂解析 已知A B C D E F G H I K代表十个互不相同的大于0的自然数,要使下列等式成立,A最小是( )B+C=A D+E=B E+F=C G+H=D H+I=E I+K=FA.8 B.9 C.19 D.21解析:A=D+2E+F=G+H+2H+2I+I+K=G+3H+3I+K令H I=1、 H+的物质的量的浓度 不对就解析 S H I 把上面的S H I T 帮我解析一下这个程序是来做什么的,最好每一个语句都解析一下,我真的不是很懂,#include stdafx.h#include stdio.hint main(){int intArray[ ] ={93,86,84,72,62,53,51,45,44,33,20,0,0,0,0};int intIn,i = 0,j;do {printf(Ente 圆柱体高h关于半径r的函数解析式?并说明r,h的变化趋势 英语 The next morning I found myself somewhat refr英语The next morning I found myself somewhat refreshed ,but I was extremely hungry,because it had been a long time since I had had sufficient food 详细分析一下句子的语法和解析I had h O H S H I 空间解析 s=C*(A×B)/|A×B|A(a,b,c) B(d,e,f) C(g,h,i)和 s=C*(A×B)/|A×B|求s=?(我不会向量的算术,所以结果请用a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i表示,) I'm h——.I can carry the box(h是单词的首字母) 一个三角形底边长为5,高H可以任意伸缩,写出面积S随H变化的解析式,以及H的取值范围 怎样计算蛋白质分子(肽链)中C H O N的个数?请给予解析 Na K O N C Li F H原子半径有小到大的顺序?解析过程 I am broke ,I wish I haven't spent so much money的语法解析 , 你可以给我解析一下你帮我解的那个程序吗,我不是很懂为什么要那么填啊#include stdafx.h#include stdio.hint _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){ int intNumbers[10],intChange; int i, j; bool bolMark = false; pri 11.It is I who ____ watching TV .A.is B.am C.are D.being的解析 H.I.T. i h m H I J