英语翻译二、北海道花海 当开始嗅到夏季的味道,好想复习那曾经的微笑,远处斑驳已久的石板桥,陪着孤独的心灵慢慢的变老,山间遍布蓝色的熏衣草,你七岁那年丢掉的背包,花谢的季节悲伤躲

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 05:24:29

英语翻译二、北海道花海 当开始嗅到夏季的味道,好想复习那曾经的微笑,远处斑驳已久的石板桥,陪着孤独的心灵慢慢的变老,山间遍布蓝色的熏衣草,你七岁那年丢掉的背包,花谢的季节悲伤躲
二、北海道花海 当开始嗅到夏季的味道,好想复习那曾经的微笑,远处斑驳已久的石板桥,陪着孤独的心灵慢慢的变老,山间遍布蓝色的熏衣草,你七岁那年丢掉的背包,花谢的季节悲伤躲在身后……七月北海道花儿日渐消瘦,那时我向左你却转身向右…… 舒淇的《非诚勿扰》,使得北海道唯美的花海和深邃的大海一时风靡全球,让人一瞬间恋上这片遥远而亲切的天地.这个被誉为“东方的普罗旺斯”的地方,每逢夏日就成为花的海洋,让你在避暑之余,沉醉在薰衣草清淡宁神的香气里,享受静谧的悠游时光.

英语翻译二、北海道花海 当开始嗅到夏季的味道,好想复习那曾经的微笑,远处斑驳已久的石板桥,陪着孤独的心灵慢慢的变老,山间遍布蓝色的熏衣草,你七岁那年丢掉的背包,花谢的季节悲伤躲
Hokkaido eye
the taste of summer when starting smell,want to review that ever smile,distant mottled already a long time of ShiBanQiao,accompany lonely hearts slowly become old,the mountains around blue lavender,you seven years old bag,throw flowers hiding in the season of xie sorrow behind...Hokkaido flowers became thinner,July when I left you have turned to right...Shu qi co-star of "the sincere not faze",make beautiful flowers and Hokkaido a deep sea has spread around the world,let a person instant love on this piece of distant and kind of world.This is known as the "Oriental provence" place,every summer is into a sea of flowers,let you absorbed in summer remaining,the fragrance of lavender light ning god,enjoy quiet navigate time.