what the hell is it?I've just heard a sentence on a movie:this is for our SECOND THIRD aniversary.what does "second third" mean?does it mean 23 or 6?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 10:25:57

what the hell is it?I've just heard a sentence on a movie:this is for our SECOND THIRD aniversary.what does "second third" mean?does it mean 23 or 6?
what the hell is it?
I've just heard a sentence on a movie:this is for our SECOND THIRD aniversary.
what does "second third" mean?
does it mean 23 or 6?

what the hell is it?I've just heard a sentence on a movie:this is for our SECOND THIRD aniversary.what does "second third" mean?does it mean 23 or 6?
楼主,你所听到的一点也没有错,这句话绝非戏谑.楼主虽然没有说出你所看的是什么电影或者什么画面,但我百分之二百相信,当时的电影场面有一对夫妇,因为是Third Anniversary特指夫妇的“结婚三周年纪念日”.
The Third Anniversary of a marriage is an extremely important date in the western world and in western culture.The first anniversary is Paper Wedding,followed by the second equivalence of Cotton Wedding.The Third Anniversary is traditionally called Leather Wedding.From paper to cotton then to leather,the relationship becomes really “consolidated” upon the arrival of leather.Paper or cotton can be easily torn apart,but not when it becomes leather.
Leather brings in real essence to true love and marriage.As a result of such,additional value has been imposed on the third anniversary of any marriage.In traditional European countries,lovers (if they are not married) also celebrate the third anniversary of the date they first met.In other word,leather is a milestone for a marriage.
Some people believe that if a relationship can come across the third anniversary,it will last forever.Of course,you know and I know that this is not likely to be true for many married couples nowadays.
Due to the importance of the third anniversary,many prefer to call their sixth anniversary the Second Third Anniversary.
Therefore,“this is our Second Third Anniversary” means the sixth year of the wedlock.It does not mean 23 years,it means 6 and not otherwise.
As stated in the first paragraph,I really have no idea as to what movie you watched.However,the specific scene you witnessed should be a wedding party,or a candlelight dinner,or whatever but definitely happened on the day of the sixth anniversary.If the couple were surrounded by friends and relatives,someone might even say “We look forward to your third Third Anniversary”.The expression of Third Third Anniversary DOES exist in practical English.
I hope my answer clears all confusions.

估计是戏谑的说法,原本只有一个3rd aniversary,而且看样子已经过过了,现在又因为庆祝这个3rd aniversary搞了个聚会之类的,所以有人就看玩笑说“咱们这可是过第二次三周年纪念了啊”。

我先看成3分之2了...仔细看了一下..2个都是序数词..这个...不好意思不知道。..- -

i think second also means another,so maybe second third aniversity means another third anicersary,so in my opinion it is the sixth aniversary:)


具体的含义depends on context.如果要直译,也就是第二个三周年纪念日。

"这是为我们第二第三anniversary 。"
p.s.大家把anniversary 打错了。有两个‘N’。只是提醒而已。



呵呵,你看的应该是Ocean 12 或Ocean 13吧?(十二罗汉或是十三罗汉?)里面乔治克鲁尼说过。因为他和他妻子(茱莉亚罗伯茨扮演的),他们两夫妇之前离过一次婚,不过又复合了。所以两人就出现了两次结婚三周年纪念。