一道英语问题 Are you listening to light music in the room?有语法错误吗?还有讲一讲举行.还有He enjoys _(read) newspapers afer wrk at home.用适当的形式填空.Don't sing songs here.(改为同义句)(-)(-)here." 还有

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 05:16:55

一道英语问题 Are you listening to light music in the room?有语法错误吗?还有讲一讲举行.还有He enjoys _(read) newspapers afer wrk at home.用适当的形式填空.Don't sing songs here.(改为同义句)(-)(-)here." 还有
一道英语问题 Are you listening to light music in the room?
He enjoys _(read) newspapers afer wrk at home.
Don't sing songs here.(改为同义句)
" 还有讲一讲举行"打错了,是句型.

一道英语问题 Are you listening to light music in the room?有语法错误吗?还有讲一讲举行.还有He enjoys _(read) newspapers afer wrk at home.用适当的形式填空.Don't sing songs here.(改为同义句)(-)(-)here." 还有


reading, enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事.

No singing

一个英语问题:Are you sleep还是Are you sleeping请问应该是Are you sleep还是Are you sleeping 一道英语脑筋急转弯:what animals are always with you? 一道英语填空,Where are you going _____ vacation? 一道英语选择题:-Excuse me,_____________?-I'm looking for my red T-shirt.(选项见下方问题补充)A.What are you doing?B.What are you looking for?本人倒觉得两个选项似乎都可以…… 用英语回答问题:anything else?Are you from different countries?Are you have a picnic? 一道英语问题 一道英语填空题,Are you all ______ ,Peter?Yes,I'm OK.Thank you. 一道商务英语回答问题,How many basic methods of payment do you know?What are they? 一道英语小问题!Our ( )are eating dinner.↑我们一家人吃晚饭. 英语are you 一道英语填空哦~Are you( )(quiet)sitting here but not to go to help them? 一道英语改错:What are you going to do in this evening?快.. 四年级英语recycle 2 look,liste怎样填n and write Where are you going this afternoon?What are you going to do there?When are you going?用英语回答上面的问题. 英语(超简单的1个问题)..还有一道计算题给你的英文( )you are计算题 1 2 1[(---)的立方*(-2)的立方]-(- —— + —— )/(-2) 2 3 2(题目不懂 解决一些英语问题(将句子变为否定句和疑问句.并回答YES or NO两个都要)例:We are all students.We are not students.Are you all students?Yes,we are.No,we aren't.(这道题是第一道..我也卟知道是不是对的!.错叻 一道高二英语选择题(请进!请详细说明!先谢谢!)Only when _________ given special permission ,_________________write in pencil.A are you ;you may B you are ; you mayC are you ; may you 一道定语从句的英语题You can borrow any book ____?A.that you interest B.you are interestedC.that interests you D.interests you