英语翻译More so than in years past,the jokes making the rounds this season are arch and knowing - and,at times,deeply funny - as opposed to the more customary emphasis on puns and slapstick.it comes from:请不要用机器谢谢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 04:02:39

英语翻译More so than in years past,the jokes making the rounds this season are arch and knowing - and,at times,deeply funny - as opposed to the more customary emphasis on puns and slapstick.it comes from:请不要用机器谢谢
More so than in years past,the jokes making the rounds this season are arch and knowing - and,at times,deeply funny - as opposed to the more customary emphasis on puns and slapstick.
it comes from:

英语翻译More so than in years past,the jokes making the rounds this season are arch and knowing - and,at times,deeply funny - as opposed to the more customary emphasis on puns and slapstick.it comes from:请不要用机器谢谢
和往年相比, 现在流行的笑话都很深刻且心照不宣, 而且有一些非常有趣. 过往的笑话过于注重双关和滑稽等形式上的表现.
这里making the rounds是成语, 指口耳相传, 流行
arch和knowing是同义词, 形容笑话勉强可以翻成是有深度, 让人会会心一笑的
pun是双关语, 因为英语的笑话有很大一部分是利用多义词一语双关搞笑
slapstick是滑稽,闹剧表演, 注重像是人滑倒这类实际搞笑的行动来惹人笑
这里是指中国现在流行的幽默笑话都在意义上有深度, 不只是形式或语言上的搞笑.

英语翻译Does he have more than one network connection in his list?If so disable all but one network connection 英语翻译Because actually it's equally important,if not more so,to retain your customers in times of economic decline than in times of economic boom. 英语翻译Wireless security is a challenging problem,even more so than wired security in many respects that must be addressed by mobile appliances. 英语翻译it ends up that i have data on more than just the immediate Grant City area,so i also included some regional data in the report The people in nanjing like reading,so there are more than ten l___ in nanjing 考研英语翻译所有关于so、much、than、as、less、more的词组 . 英语翻译So the model,which is said to contain more than a score of inventions, 英语翻译翻译倒装句有什么常用技巧?but none more so than Mies 英语翻译And men who are prone to thrill-seeking behavior are more likely to seek thrills by cheating-so that bungee cord in his garage may be more incriminating than the locked files on his hard drive. in no more than three More than anyone in the 英语翻译 more than is needed 英语翻译使用more than 造句 英语翻译more often than not 英语翻译翻译:1.more and more:2.in common:3:close to:4:and so on: 英语翻译Lucy thinks living in city is more interesting than living in the countryside 英语翻译One moment in this world is more precious than a thousand years in the next 补充单词The pople in Nanjing like reading,so there are more than ten l____ in Nanjing