英语翻译There is no consensus of opinions among people about choosing F.P or DP ,depending on personal experience ,personality type and emotional concern ,we are in favor of one idea that some people holp the view of choosing FP.Meanwhile others

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 02:29:57

英语翻译There is no consensus of opinions among people about choosing F.P or DP ,depending on personal experience ,personality type and emotional concern ,we are in favor of one idea that some people holp the view of choosing FP.Meanwhile others
There is no consensus of opinions among people about choosing F.P or DP ,depending on personal experience ,personality type and emotional concern ,we are in favor of one idea that some people holp the view of choosing FP.Meanwhile others prefer to DP.The following details can support their point of view
On hand ,as far as they are concerned there are several advantages with choosing FD,in first place quality ,as far as I am concerned ,is not with as valuable as the gifts given by three wise men to the infant Jesns Christ ,hardly evaluated by wealth .in addition ,famous brand,I keep it in my mind ,is the best plolicy .the symbol of SCD is reputated that brand ought to be put in the front apect.
On the other hand ,every cion has two sides and everylife has roses and thorns ,some one hold the view that they are aslo some negative aspect with choosing FP.To begainwith price the statistics from UNESCO show that .the price of DP compared with FD,is reduced by 8.54% in average yearly .becides an entirly new era is becking us on .focus our minds on the spirit of Hu JinTao`s Scnientific developmen Perspeictive ,let`s shank hands for the support of national production.
All in all ,I am of one idea that my opinion is neutral ,there should be no preferentialthreatment of one another between FP and DP ,I would like end my article with a famous saying of …… vice minister of industry ministry ,both FD and DP can broadon our eyesights and winden our minds
FD foreign products DP domestic products

英语翻译There is no consensus of opinions among people about choosing F.P or DP ,depending on personal experience ,personality type and emotional concern ,we are in favor of one idea that some people holp the view of choosing FP.Meanwhile others

并没有一致的意见在人们在选择F . 警或DP,取决于个人经历、个性与情感的关系,我们是在一种想法,有些人holp生育的选择。同时也有人迪拜。以下细节可以支持他们的观点



并没有一致的意见在人们在选择F . 警或DP,取决于个人经历、个性与情感的关系,我们是在一种想法,有些人holp生育的选择。同时也有人迪拜。以下细节可以支持他们的观点


另一方面,都有两面性,everylife中有甘苦,有些人认为他们有一些消极的方面也与选择方式。对begainwith价格从联合国教科文组织的统计表明,价格相比,灾民8.54% FD削减每年平均.becides在新时代是一个entirly becking我们。我们心灵的精神Scnientific胡锦涛Perspeictive发展,让刀锋手的国家生产的支持。

总之,我知道我的意见是中性的,不应该有任何preferentialthreatment彼此之间的生育和迪拜,我想结束我的文章以的一句名言……部副部长工业部,我们可以broadon FD和灾民的眼和winden我们的想法



在手,为他们而言有几个方面的优势与选择消化不良,质量第一的位置,因为就我而言,是不是一样宝贵的礼物了三名智者的婴儿Jesns基督,很难评价由财富。此外,知名品牌,我一直在我心中,是最好的plolicy 。象征的猝死是...


在手,为他们而言有几个方面的优势与选择消化不良,质量第一的位置,因为就我而言,是不是一样宝贵的礼物了三名智者的婴儿Jesns基督,很难评价由财富。此外,知名品牌,我一直在我心中,是最好的plolicy 。象征的猝死是reputated ,品牌应该放在前面apect 。
另一方面,每cion了双方everylife了玫瑰和荆棘,有人认为他们也有一些消极方面的选择计划生育。为了begainwith价格联合国教科文组织的统计数据显示, 。民主党的价格比较,金融衍生工具,减少了8.54 % ,平均每年。 becides一个entirly新的时代是becking我们。重点我们的脑海中的精神胡锦涛了Scnientific发育Perspeictive ,让手中了小腿的支持本国生产。
总之,我的一个想法,我认为是中立的,不应该有preferentialthreatment彼此之间计划生育和DP ,我想结束我的第一个著名的说法... ...副部长工业部,这两个消化不良和民主党可以broadon我们eyesights和winden我们的头脑
