明天天气如何___the weather__tomorrow.His p_ was not right.I can'tbelieve him again.Though the question is s_ ,few students in our class can answer it.Learning another language seems important同义句转换__ __ __learning another language is i

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 20:27:10

明天天气如何___the weather__tomorrow.His p_ was not right.I can'tbelieve him again.Though the question is s_ ,few students in our class can answer it.Learning another language seems important同义句转换__ __ __learning another language is i
明天天气如何___the weather__tomorrow.His p_ was not right.I can'tbelieve him again.
Though the question is s_ ,few students in our class can answer it.
Learning another language seems important同义句转换
__ __ __learning another language is important.
Everyone is here today e__ Tom.
Don't worry.There is nothing s__.
Teacher c__ about teaching tired kids in the classroom.
谁会驾驶汽车?Who_ _ _drive the car?
The school things i__ pens,pencils,erasersand books.
Most children a__ after-school clubs.

明天天气如何___the weather__tomorrow.His p_ was not right.I can'tbelieve him again.Though the question is s_ ,few students in our class can answer it.Learning another language seems important同义句转换__ __ __learning another language is i
1.what's(不能用how) like 感觉promise不太对吧,哪有说他的诺言是不对的,诺言只有守不守信之分,哪有对不对之分啊!)
3.It seems that(再碰到这种类型题就要想到形式主语)
6.complained 根据题意,是老师抱怨教孩子很累,而不是care关心.
(题干错了,要么是the teacher,要么是teachers,不能只有teacher.不过对填的空不影响.注意:complaining错误,因为没有be动词)
7.is able to (=can 但be able to更强调个人能力)