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Several homemade spicy chili sauce sauce production process approach is not difficult, as long as you are diligent point, various flavors of spicy sauces are presented you will make several to give yo...


Several homemade spicy chili sauce sauce production process approach is not difficult, as long as you are diligent point, various flavors of spicy sauces are presented you will make several to give you a try

garlic sauce
practice: fresh pod pepper, with a few red pepper (love spicy food can all use the pod pepper), 500 grams of tomato, a piece of ginger, two of garlic. All kinds were put above a paste mixer. Drain pan in a small bowl, using medium heat, in a variety of paste pot, boil the sauce (garlic, the remaining half of the last release), while edge boil salt, sugar (a little), a small bottle of vinegar. Remember to keep stirring the anti-sticking pan with a spoon, from thin to thick you can turn off the heat, and then the next point of MSG, and then poured the rest of the garlic, cool before bottling.
Tips: This is definitely chili sauce and garlic chili sauce market Bimei famous. Another trick is fishing a small altar in the acid pickle teeth out with the old carrot and tomato stir, the sauce will taste particularly sweet.
chopped fresh chili
practices: 100 grams of fresh pod pepper, salt, white wine a little. Pod pepper chopped, do not hot hand, the best cut, wearing rubber gloves; side of the cut, put the bottle to the side, while salt, and compacted with clean chopsticks, and finally sprinkle white wine, sealed, usually about 3 days you can eat.
tips: put a little time to eat noodles, cook a spoonful of the time adjustment, very fragrant very appetizing.
sweet and spicy sauce
practices: Douban 100 grams, 100 grams of peanut butter, 200 grams of sweet bean paste, 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, pepper, a little rock sugar, ginger, garlic, diced green onion, chopped 30 grams of red pepper, vegetable oil, vinegar. Chop the Douban Rong, and peanut butter, sweet sauce, oyster sauce into the pot together, stir into mixture. Burning wok, pour oil, oil to more than oil heat, the first under the ginger,mac brush set, garlic, diced green onion, pepper saute the end,Oakley sunglasses cheap, and then mix into the pot, and then low heat, slowly push evenly with the spatula can be. BJZI
hundreds of tips and easy to know: do sauce, you can not mix or stir fry, but slowly and evenly. So even smoke pot vesicles, scented when placed in pepper, rock sugar mix. Bright red sauce, mellow flavor, natural cooling, into the bottles, the attention to sealing.
beef sauce
practices: 500 grams beef (minced meat), 500 grams of red pepper (minced), two boxes of dry miso, monosodium glutamate, 100 grams, 150 grams of sugar, oil and 300 grams, 100 grams of cooked sesame seeds, salt amount. Heat the pot and pour the oil, the next moment fried beef, and spices into the above, stir evenly, then stewed for a while on it.
Tips: fragrant taste for noodles.
peanut sauce
practices: 25 grams of dried hot pepper, 150 grams of cooked peanuts, pepper 40, amount of cooking oil,mac pigment, salt 2 tablespoons, a little MSG. The pepper and dried pepper, pounded very fine; cooked peanut faded skin, then, will be crushed peanuts; will be broken up 3 kinds of raw materials added salt, MSG Stir; frying pan get angry, till the seventh of salad oil heat, the marinated raw materials into the pot, stir fry with chopsticks, then there sprang into the nose of spicy, then add half a bowl of water (such as oil temperature control is not good, then pour hot pepper in the same time, to add water.) Cover and simmer the fire, extract water, Aozhi viscous. Remove from heat, cold air will make the peanut sauce into glass bottles, with food as taken.

spicy bean sauce

practice: fresh beans Douban a small bowl, 25 grams of dried shrimp, rice wine Banchi, 1 tsp fine salt, a little sugar, MSG trace, peanut oil 3 spoons, sesame oil, chili oil, a little different, chili powder, pepper powder each trace. The open ocean with the rice wine, freshwater about 30 minutes to make up hair; wash the pot, put peanut oil, till oil Qicheng hot, put bean stir-fry flap, plus open ocean, thin salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, tasty fry , then add chili powder, pepper powder, sesame oil, you can clean wok, Zhuangpen the.
Tips: This spicy sauce, delicious, refreshing appetizer. Production, it must be Douban with hot oil and quickly stir-fry, so easy to yellow; both should not add water, it can not Chaojiao out, but can not thicken the sauce cool to ensure tender fragrance taste.


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