There have been many great inventions,things that changed the way we live.There have been many great inventions or things that changed the way we live.The first great invention was the one that is still very important today——the wheel.This made i

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 02:18:08

There have been many great inventions,things that changed the way we live.There have been many great inventions or things that changed the way we live.The first great invention was the one that is still very important today——the wheel.This made i
There have been many great inventions,things that changed the way we live.
There have been many great inventions or things that changed the way we live.The first great invention was the one that is still very important today——the wheel.This made it easier to carry heavy things and to travel long distance.
For hundreds of years after that there were few inventions that as much effect as the wheel .Then in the early 1800s the world started to change.There was little unknown land left in the world.People didn’t have to explore much any more.They began to work instead to make life better.
In the second half of the 19th century many great inventions were made.Among them were the camera,the light and the radio.These all play a big part in our daily life today.
The first part of the 20th century saw more great inventions.The helicopter in 1909,movies with sound in 1926,the computer in 1928,jet planes in 1930.This was also a time when a new material was first made.Nylon came out in 1935.It changed the kind of clothes people wore.
The middle part of the 20th century brought new ways to help people get over diseases.They worked very well.They made people healthier and allowed them to live longer.By the 1960s most people could expect to live to be at least 60.
By this time most people in developed countries had a very good life.Of course new inventions continued to be made.But man now had a desire(渴望) to explore again.The earth was known to man but the stars were not.Man began looking for ways to go into space.Russia made the first step.Then United States took a step.Since then other countries ,including China and Japan,have made their own steps into space.
In 1969 man took his biggest step away from earth.Americans first walked on the moon.This is certainly just a beginning,though.New inventions will some day allow us to do things we have never yet dreamed of.
5.Man didn't have a desire to explore a lot_____. the beginning of the 1800's
B.from the 1800's to the 1960's the 1960's
D.since the 1900's请问为什么不是选D?.为什么呢?

There have been many great inventions,things that changed the way we live.There have been many great inventions or things that changed the way we live.The first great invention was the one that is still very important today——the wheel.This made i
Then in the early 1800s the world started to change.There was little unknown land left in the world.People didn’t have to explore much any more.They began to work instead to make life better.



Then in the early 1800s the world started to change. There was little unknown land left in the world. People didn’t have to explore much any more. They began to work instead to make life bet...


Then in the early 1800s the world started to change. There was little unknown land left in the world. People didn’t have to explore much any more. They began to work instead to make life better


这位同学,本来我和你有相同的疑问。但我又细细读了好几遍题,终于发现了问题结尾的a lot,这下总算明白了,在1800年开始时人们对于探索的渴望相对来说很弱,渐渐的,随着新科技产品的不断问世,人们探索的欲望又变强了,而不是到了19世纪60年代突然有了探索的渴望。所以,A更符合(这道题好深呀!!)...


这位同学,本来我和你有相同的疑问。但我又细细读了好几遍题,终于发现了问题结尾的a lot,这下总算明白了,在1800年开始时人们对于探索的渴望相对来说很弱,渐渐的,随着新科技产品的不断问世,人们探索的欲望又变强了,而不是到了19世纪60年代突然有了探索的渴望。所以,A更符合(这道题好深呀!!)


Many of us have been there. 这句话什么意思? have been there 中文翻译 have been there ·In recent years there have been many changes,可否写成In recent years there were many changes, there have been many books about historythere have been 这里是不是用了倒装?there have been many books about history是用了什么结构?THERE 后面不能加HAVE? There have been many great inventions or things that changed the way we live.翻译 There have been many great inventions.One of the first greatest inventions is still very important There have been many great changes in our city____(最近几年) 英语翻译Another good-bye,and there have been so many!请翻译, there far been many so in this trees have park 的连词成句 I like Beijing very much and I(have been)there many times.考的知识点? there have been many changes in ______(recently)years请解析 为什么要用形容词 How many times have you been there? Only one time 改错 There have been many writers who used their pens to fight things that were wrong. There have been many changes in this place. 这句中为什么用have?主语是什么?用have的决定因素是什么 There have been many changes in this place.这句中为什么用have?主语是什么?用have的决定因素是什么 Many a boy and many a girl ( )there.1.have been2.have gone 3.has been 4.has been 原因,最好每个选项都分析哦 There have been many change in Beijing.(同义句)Many changes ____ ____ ____in Beijing.急