People from all around the world(急,下周要,介绍一些世界各地人民、不同国家的风俗习惯等(必须要英文介绍,实在不行也没关系)!

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People from all around the world(急,下周要,介绍一些世界各地人民、不同国家的风俗习惯等(必须要英文介绍,实在不行也没关系)!
People from all around the world(急,下周要,

People from all around the world(急,下周要,介绍一些世界各地人民、不同国家的风俗习惯等(必须要英文介绍,实在不行也没关系)!
lunar year in which the last month has 29 days is every year lunar calendar in December 23 or 24, it is the entire Spring Festival celebration start and the foreshadowing, its major activity has two items: Sweeps the year and offers sacrifice to the kitchen god. Sweeps the year, namely sweeps the dust, in fact does on large scale the home environment health. The northerner take the December 23 as the lunar year in which the last month has 29 days, was called “sweeps up a room”; The southerner take the December 24 as the lunar year in which the last month has 29 days, was called “brushes off the dust”. This day each and every family daybreak namely, sweeps up a room scratches the window, cleans the clothing, cleans the pot wooden scoop, the implementation clean thorough health general cleaning. According to "Appropriates lost articles Records" records vulgarly this may trace to more than 3000 years ago, at that time its Chinese ancients drove the god of plague, prayed peaceful and healthy the religious rite. After “dust” and “Chen” harmonics, therefore sweeps the dust also is clears off the obsolete thing, this already refers to in the garden the aging accumulated dirt, also refers to the unhappiness which in the last year met.
Offers sacrifice to the kitchen god namely offers a sacrifice to delivers the stove god to ascend to heaven. Ancient times, the science and technology was not developed, the people presented the stove god for to govern the family diet the gods, thought the stove god had evening to report on activities in lunar year in which the last month has 29 days this day to jade emperor that, jade emperor to this family's award and punishment all in stove god report. Offers sacrifice to the kitchen god in the sacrificial offering most has the folk custom is “the melon-shaped candy”, a saying melon-shaped candy is sweet, may cause the stove god only to speak the sweet words and honeyed phrases in front of the jade emperor; A saying melon-shaped candy is sticks, may stick the stove god the tooth, enable his malicious remarks not to be able to leave the mouth. When sacrificial offering, will consecrate a year stove idol to take off, the cremation, will be delivers offers a sacrifice to ascends to heaven. Until now the folk still had “the melon-shaped candy to offer sacrifice to the kitchen god, new year arrived” saying.
Lunar New Year's Eve is refers to every year lunar calendar December last day (this year solar calendar on February 6), it and the Spring Festival (in the first lunar month first day) the head and tail is connected.“Lunar New Year's Eve” “eliminates” the character is “goes; Easy; Takes turn” the meaning, the lunar New Year's Eve meaning was “the last year eliminates here, but new year Ming Chen beginning”, therefore the period activity all revolved to eliminate the former subordinates to be new, rang the disaster prayed for the center. The lunar New Year's Eve major activity has three items: Has the family reunion dinner, the sacrificial offering, stays up all night on new year's eve.In which most has the characteristic to stay up all night on new year's eve.
Stays up all night on new year's eve the popular name “to stay up late”, namely the New Year's Eve, until dawn does not sleep.Fable, ancient times time has one fierceness monster to call “the year”, whenever it the December last day night comes out swallows the human livestock, harms the common people.Afterwards, the people discovered its weakness fears the flame, fears the sound, therefore the people then in the New Year's Eve, lie awake all night, ignite the fire of high-piled firewood, the burning down dracena, caused it to send out explodes the sound, year this monster also does not dare to do all kinds of evil things.From this time on has left behind the custom which the lunar New Year's Eve evening stays up late and fires a gun.Stays up all night on new year's eve also has an important work: Makes dumplings, moreover also must Bao Suxian the stuffed dumpling, this is in order to hope in the new year “the element element only only, safe smooth”.Also some people put the sugar in the stuffed dumpling, thing and so on peanut, eats the sugar to mean the life is happy, eats the peanut to mean longevity.
The attention, stays up all night on new year's eve also has many taboos, when endures sweeps the floor, makes offerings to the kitchen god, usually very is difficult the quoin which touches all to have to clean cleanly, but enters the lunar New Year's Eve utmost lunar New Year's Day morning, even if the ground randomly cannot sweep again, in the custom thought such meeting “suffers unexpected financial losses”.Moreover, is forbid the scissors, endures said “” all these, has not been the people hopes the propitious psychological reflection.
Spring Festival
lunar New Year's Day to the fifth day is the general sense Spring Festival normal pitch, each kind of folk custom festival celebrates the activity to display fully in these five days.Below we divide several aspects to introduce.Has a look our country grandest tradition holiday is any appearance, has any evolution and the historical records.
Diet custom
The Spring Festival diet solid very much has actually is fastidious, north the folk proverbs have “the first day stuffed dumpling, second day surface, third day zygote, fourth day wheat pancake volume egg” saying.The stuffed dumpling is one of Spring Festival important foods, (December last day) eats the stuffed dumpling besides the lunar New Year's Eve, in first lunar month first day, fifth day also must eat the stuffed dumpling, but these three days ate the stuffed dumpling the viewpoints different.Lunar New Year's Eve eats the stuffed dumpling must be the element stuffing, will take the next year to be safe, element element only only meaning, moreover the stuffed dumpling will not be able to boil; First day eats the stuffed dumpling is certainly, takes the auspicious which the lunar New Year's Eve (i.e. last night) has not boiled is left over to have -odd meaning; Fifth day eats the stuffed dumpling then must certainly make “the lace shape”, the popular name “pinches the villain mouth”, the goal is in order to prevent the next year villain will provoke the right and wrong, a chart good fortune.
The Spring Festival another tradition is the lunar new year's cake, the lunar new year's cake is made by the glutinous rice, is divided the north and south two kinds, north the lunar new year's cake has steams explodes more than two kinds is a sweet taste, south the lunar new year's cake besides steamed explodes Shang Youpian to fry, methods and so on Tang Zhu, the flavor also was sweet salty all has, because the year with stuck the harmonics, Gao Yugao harmonics, therefore ate sticks the cake namely to contain the year aged, namely the people to the new year expectation, gradually, stuck the cake also to turn the lunar new year's cake.
Room arrangement:
The Spring Festival room arrangement wants four to paste, pastes the spring festival couplet, pastes the lunar new year's painting, pastes the lucky character, pastes the paper-cut window decoration.
Pastes the spring festival couplet:
But origins for expels evil spirits in the folk avoids evil influences in the gate both sides hand peach plank, (the ancient thought peach wooden has exorcises effect), latter Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang unifies the world, the request world common people posts the antithetical couplet eulogy world unification peaceful country and safe people in the Spring Festival, has vulgarly this."The Song Shi * Suchuan Aristocratic family" recorded in the history earliest spring festival couplet " new year to accept -odd celebrates, fine section-mark early spring "
Pastes the lunar new year's painting:
Looked from the content that, caters to the general populations to ask the auspicious psychology, by abundant harvest, multi-children, fortunate, long-lived common has the " hemp paternal aunt for the theme to offer long-lived ", “day female falls to pieces”, the “unicorn delivers the child”, “Zhong Kui Wei Fu" and so on.Our country famous lunar new year's painting habitat includes: Tianjin Yangliuqing, Suzhou peach blossom shipyard, Hebei wukiang, places such as Shandong Weifang.
Pastes the lucky character:
The popular name winter jasmine pastes the luck, is implores the new year abundant accent rain to be suitable, on the contrary the good lifetime, pastes the lucky word-time also to have the lucky character, harmonics " luck but actually () ". This vulgar still was long until now abundantly does not fade.
Pastes the paper-cut window decoration:
The paper-cut window decoration arranges the room, its form usually has " paper-cut window decoration ", “gate notepaper”, “wallflower”, “niggers " and so on, the shape not one, the creation freedom, its theme extremely is also rich, common has " the fat pig arched entrance "" mouse to get married ", “successive years has -odd”. But uses the material extremely to unify actually, the scarlet paper matches the few golden platinum, the color flint paper, this vulgarly has been through repeatedly hundred generations in the general countrysides, until now does not fade .
Spring Festival salute:
Has certain succession according to the traditional custom Spring Festival salute, lunar New Year's Day usually is between the neighbor or oneself relative pays new year's call mutually, second day gets married the children to carry the husband to return to the maternal home to pay new year's call, the third day is below cousinhip's sub-nephew pays new year's call mutually, regarding these not in the relatives and friends old friends who local or difficulty with meets, but also may post the new year's card, this results from the Han Dynasty vulgarly, has custom-made to the clear Kangxi Dynasty, called " year pastes, year piece ", on writes the holiday congratulatory remarks, the sending relatives and friends, promotes the friendship.Between when the relatives and friends takes a walk mutually, long depends on to underage and the work child has also not had to give the new year's money, the usual new year's money is meets five meets ten, takes auspicious.
小年 即每年农历腊月二十三或二十四,它是整个春节庆祝活动的开始和伏笔,其主要活动有两项:扫年和祭灶. 扫年,即扫尘,实际上就是大搞家庭环境卫生.北方人以腊月二十三为小年,称“扫房”;南方人以腊月二十四为小年,称“掸尘”.这一天家家户户黎明即起,扫房擦窗,清洗衣物,刷洗锅瓢,实施干净彻底的卫生大扫除.据《拾遗记》记载此俗可追溯到三千多年前,当时它汉先民驱疫鬼,祈安康的宗教仪式.后“尘”与“陈”谐音,故扫尘也就是把陈旧的东西一扫而光,这既指庭院内的陈年积垢,也指旧岁中遇到的不快.
祭灶 即祭送灶神升天.古代,科技不发达,人们奉灶神为掌管家庭饮食的神明,认为灶神要在小年这天晚上到玉帝那去述职,玉帝对这家的赏罚全在灶神的汇报了.祭灶的祭品中最具民俗的是“糖瓜”,一说糖瓜是甜的,可使灶神在玉帝面前只说甜言蜜语;一说糖瓜是粘的,可以粘灶神的牙,使他的坏话出不了口.祭祀时,将供奉一年的灶神像揭下,焚化,算是送祭升天.至今民间仍有“糖瓜祭灶,新年来到”之说.
除夕 是指每年农历腊月的最后一天(今年公历二月六日),它与春节(正月初一)首尾相连.“除夕”中的“除”字是“去;易;交替”的意思,除夕的意思是“旧岁至此而除,新年明晨而始”,故此期间的活动都围绕着除旧部新,禳灾祈福为中心. 除夕的主要活动有三项:吃团圆饭,祭祀,守岁.其中最有特点的还是守岁.
守岁 俗称“熬夜”,即除夕之夜,达旦不眠.传说,远古时侯有一种凶猛的怪物叫“年”,它每到腊月的最后一天夜里出来吞食人畜,危害百姓.后来,人们发现它的弱点是怕火光,怕声音,于是人们便在除夕之夜,通宵不眠,燃起火堆,焚烧青竹,使其发出爆响,年这个怪物也就不敢出来为非作歹了.从此就留下了除夕晚上熬夜和放炮的习俗.不过,守岁还有一项重要的工作:包饺子,而且还必须包素馅的饺子,这是为了希望在新的一年里“素素净净,平安顺利”.还有人在饺子里放糖,花生等物,吃到糖者意味着生活甜蜜,吃到花生者意味着长寿.

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