This/It is the first/second … (序数词) time + that 从句 属于什么从句?1 This / It is the third time that you have been late this month请问:This/It is the first/second … (序数词) time + that 从句 属于什么从句?这类句型

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 11:07:48

This/It is the first/second … (序数词) time + that 从句 属于什么从句?1 This / It is the third time that you have been late this month请问:This/It is the first/second … (序数词) time + that 从句 属于什么从句?这类句型
This/It is the first/second … (序数词) time + that 从句 属于什么从句?
1 This / It is the third time that you have been late this month
请问:This/It is the first/second … (序数词) time + that 从句 属于什么从句?
这类句型 that 后面属于什么从句,网上看到有各种说法.
我觉得,定语从句可以排除吧,比如例句中 third time ,在从句中不做成分哦.
强调句,貌似 去掉 it it that 后,the third time you have been late this month
You have been late the third time this month
2 You have been late the third time this month
语法是否有错误 请 说出来 .我的理解是?是不是 第三次 不能从过去,延续到现在吧?
You have been late three times this month 这个就没问题了吧.
3 the second ,the first time 前面是否可以加上介词,比如 for
last time 前面就不用加介词了吧?
请按顺序 回答.
It/This is + the + 序数词+ 时间+ 定语从句(从句用完成时).
有些 英语学习网站 分析说这句是定语从句,但是觉得定语从句,first time 也不在从句中做 成分合适么.,我觉得定语从句不对.呵呵
This / It is the third time that you have been late this month
我也觉得 是同位语从句,有人说是 主语从句?有何不同么.

This/It is the first/second … (序数词) time + that 从句 属于什么从句?1 This / It is the third time that you have been late this month请问:This/It is the first/second … (序数词) time + that 从句 属于什么从句?这类句型
1、This / It is the third time that you have been late this month

  定语从句:that指代time,需要在从句中充当主语、宾语或表语,you have been late this month是主系表结构,主语和表语都有,说明that不是句中的任何成分.如果把这个句子改为It is the third time (that) you have been late this month (for),that成为介词for的宾语,就变成了定语从句.不过这种说法很拗口,没有人这样讲.

  主语从句:it是先行主语(注意:this不能作先行主语),目的是平衡句子结构,也可以改回到that you have been late this month is the third time.显然that you have been late this month(你本月已经迟了)和the third time(第三次)不是同一个概念,也就是说“你迟了”是个事实,一个事实不能等于次数.

  同位语从句:that you have been late this month是对the third time的内涵做出解释的,意思是这是第三次,换句话说就是你本月迟到这个事实的第三次.因此这里是同位语从句.

  强调句:可以取消强调句式it is … that,恢复成you have been late this month the third time,但是the third time不能直接作状语,必须加上介词for才能成立.


2、the second / the first time 用作主语、宾语或表语时不用for,用作状语时前面必须加上介词for.for the first time / for the second time 和for the last time / for the next time 是同一系列的副词短语,last time与next time、another time另外系列的副词短语,二者不能混淆.