-Can you tell me ____ it is from here to the bank?-Yes,it's fifteen minutes by bus.A.how far B.how long可我觉得是B……

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 05:35:47

-Can you tell me ____ it is from here to the bank?-Yes,it's fifteen minutes by bus.A.how far B.how long可我觉得是B……
-Can you tell me ____ it is from here to the bank?-Yes,it's fifteen minutes by bus.
A.how far B.how long

-Can you tell me ____ it is from here to the bank?-Yes,it's fifteen minutes by bus.A.how far B.how long可我觉得是B……
How far 是问远近的, 问这里到银行有多远, 回答要说 距离 eg: It’s two kilometers.
how long 是时间长短的询问, 回答是 twenty minutes
不过这里要注意 回答说了 by bus 所以也可以表示距离,而且重点是问句, 如果是how long问法是不一样的,要说 How long it takes from.

当然是A了, How far 多远 (距离)
例如:How far is it from your home to school? 你家离学校多远?
B how long 多久 (时间上)
例如:How long did it take you to go to school this morning? 今天早上你去上学花了多长时间...


当然是A了, How far 多远 (距离)
例如:How far is it from your home to school? 你家离学校多远?
B how long 多久 (时间上)
例如:How long did it take you to go to school this morning? 今天早上你去上学花了多长时间。



how far 问距离远近
how long 问时间长短
从回答上看可以用how long 问:How long does it take you to get to bank from here?
但是该问题是——it is from here to the bank. 是用的句型How far is it from A to B. 前面用Can you tell me,因此要倒装成 it is。