They( )for shanghai on Friday.shall we go to see them off at the train station A left B were leaving C have left D are leaving c为什么不可以 Old people must ( ) A be spoken to politely B speak to polite C be spoken politely D speak polite 那

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 16:26:21

They( )for shanghai on Friday.shall we go to see them off at the train station A left B were leaving C have left D are leaving c为什么不可以 Old people must ( ) A be spoken to politely B speak to polite C be spoken politely D speak polite 那
They( )for shanghai on Friday.shall we go to see them off at the train station
A left B were leaving
C have left D are leaving
Old people must ( )
A be spoken to politely B speak to polite C be spoken politely D speak polite
It was ( )weather that they decide to go out for a picnic.
A such fine B such a fine
-I don not have a parner to play table tennis with.
-why ( )a sport club to practise a lot?
A don't join B not joining C not to join D don't you join
not 和why don't you 的区别
( )are you gong to write this story
-about five pages
A how often B how soon C how long D how fast
how long 表时间为什么可以说明故事的长短,可以表具体吗?

They( )for shanghai on Friday.shall we go to see them off at the train station A left B were leaving C have left D are leaving c为什么不可以 Old people must ( ) A be spoken to politely B speak to polite C be spoken politely D speak polite 那
1.看样子你没懂这题的意思.这句话是说:他们要在星期五去上海,我们去火车站送他们好吗?see sb off是送人的意思.他们还没走,当然用将来时,怎么能用完成时呢?
2.这是个被动语态,调整过来就是we must speak to old man politely.speak to 固定搭配啊
4.其实why not 和why don't you 没啥区别,都是“为什么不”的意思,但是其后都必须加动词原形.而这题里why not 后没原型的,只能用don't you join

1.从后面的shall可以知道这句子是将一般将来时的,所以前面应该用一般将来时而不是现在完成时,再者,left是非延续性动词,在现在完成时里应该改为be away
3.such是形容词,修饰名词或名词词组。such的搭配是:such a + n. fine是形容词,所以只能用such,不加a
4.why not do sth.=why ...


1.从后面的shall可以知道这句子是将一般将来时的,所以前面应该用一般将来时而不是现在完成时,再者,left是非延续性动词,在现在完成时里应该改为be away
3.such是形容词,修饰名词或名词词组。such的搭配是:such a + n. fine是形容词,所以只能用such,不加a
4.why not do sth.=why don't you do sth. 这道题,关键就在于那个动词,d选项里面的搭配完整,其他选项里面都不完整或者错误 long一般用来说明时间的长短,如果要表示具体的时间可以用when或者what time


1、see sb off 是送行的意思,所以根据题意,他们还没有走,所以要用一般将来时。
3、why not do =why don't you do
4、how long 不仅仅可以表示时间,还可以表示距离、长度啊。所以在这里,其他三个都不合适,只能选C...


1、see sb off 是送行的意思,所以根据题意,他们还没有走,所以要用一般将来时。
3、why not do =why don't you do
4、how long 不仅仅可以表示时间,还可以表示距离、长度啊。所以在这里,其他三个都不合适,只能选C


1,这个句子是表示的是“将来进行时”还没有发生。只有D,are leaving才是将来进行时.
2,speak to 是一个固定的短语.意思为:对....讲.
4,why not 和why don't you 是意思相同的.
5,这个句子的意思是你写这个故事多久了.how ...


1,这个句子是表示的是“将来进行时”还没有发生。只有D,are leaving才是将来进行时.
2,speak to 是一个固定的短语.意思为:对....讲.
4,why not 和why don't you 是意思相同的.
5,这个句子的意思是你写这个故事多久了.how long修饰的是write.


They( )for shanghai on Friday。shall we go to see them off at the train station
A left B were leaving
C have left D are leaving
Old people mu...


They( )for shanghai on Friday。shall we go to see them off at the train station
A left B were leaving
C have left D are leaving
Old people must ( )
A be spoken to politely B speak to polite C be spoken politely D speak polite
It was ( )weather that they decide to go out for a picnic。
A such fine B such a fine
-I don not have a parner to play table tennis with.
-why ( )a sport club to practise a lot?
A don't join B not joining C not to join D don't you join
答案d,请教why not 和why don't you 的区别
--Why not 和 Why don't you的区别在于后者有YOU(有了you这个主语才能构成句子,否则就是病句。)
( )are you gong to write this story ?
-about five pages
A how often B how soon C how long D how fast
答案c,how long 表时间为什么可以说明故事的长短,可以表具体吗?
--How long可表示很多东西的长短?为什么不能表示故事的长短?不可以表你认为的所谓的具体。
