英语翻译!请不要用机器翻译,谢谢!“Just five more minutes.” “I’m tired!” “I can’t get up.” If you have ever had trouble getting up in the morning, you are not alone. Many kids in the United States do not get enough sleep. Y

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 12:35:25

英语翻译!请不要用机器翻译,谢谢!“Just five more minutes.” “I’m tired!” “I can’t get up.” If you have ever had trouble getting up in the morning, you are not alone. Many kids in the United States do not get enough sleep. Y
“Just five more minutes.” “I’m tired!” “I can’t get up.” If you have ever had trouble getting up in the morning, you are not alone. Many kids in the United States do not get enough sleep.
Your body needs sleep ? and lots of it! “Evidence(证据) shows that elementary-age children need at least nine hours of sleep per night,” said sleep expert Dr. Carl Hunt.
Kids who do not sleep enough cannot do their best, experts say. A tired kid may be moody and act badly. Being tired can also cause kids to forget things, have trouble learning, and have trouble playing sports.
Not sleeping enough can also affect kids’ safety. Experts say children who are tired are more likely to suffer injuries.
Lots of kids lose sleep because they are busy. Many take part in after-school activities. Then they go home, eat dinner, and do homework. Afterward, many kids watch TV, play video games, and surf the Internet. That leaves less time for sleep.
Sometimes you may not be able to go to bed early. But, if you get a choice whether to stay up late, think twice. A good night’s sleep can help you feel your best!

英语翻译!请不要用机器翻译,谢谢!“Just five more minutes.” “I’m tired!” “I can’t get up.” If you have ever had trouble getting up in the morning, you are not alone. Many kids in the United States do not get enough sleep. Y
“Just five more minutes.” “I’m tired!” “I can’t get up.” If you have ever had trouble getting up in the morning,you are not alone.Many kids in the United States do not get enough sleep.
“再睡5分钟” “我很累”“我起不来”如果你曾经因为早上起不来发愁,那么你并不孤独.美国许多小孩都睡眠不足.
Your body needs sleep and lots of it!“Evidence(证据) shows that elementary-age children need at least nine hours of sleep per night,” said sleep expert Dr.Carl Hunt.
Kids who do not sleep enough cannot do their best,experts say.A tired kid may be moody and act badly.Being tired can also cause kids to forget things,have trouble learning,and have trouble playing sports.
Not sleeping enough can also affect kids’ safety.Experts say children who are tired are more likely to suffer injuries.
Lots of kids lose sleep because they are busy.Many take part in after-school activities.Then they go home,eat dinner,and do homework.Afterward,many kids watch TV,play video games,and surf the Internet.That leaves less time for sleep.
Sometimes you may not be able to go to bed early.But,if you get a choice whether to stay up late,think twice.A good night’s sleep can help you feel your best!

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