history of shanghai 英文介绍,最好带中文翻译最好是结合旅游景点来谈上海历史,人物,主要事迹等,希望大的几个历史时期和事件都能包括进去.要求是英文文章,最好带中文翻译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 07:29:15

history of shanghai 英文介绍,最好带中文翻译最好是结合旅游景点来谈上海历史,人物,主要事迹等,希望大的几个历史时期和事件都能包括进去.要求是英文文章,最好带中文翻译
history of shanghai 英文介绍,最好带中文翻译

history of shanghai 英文介绍,最好带中文翻译最好是结合旅游景点来谈上海历史,人物,主要事迹等,希望大的几个历史时期和事件都能包括进去.要求是英文文章,最好带中文翻译
History of Shanghai,China
Shanghai began as a fishing village in the 11th century,but by the mid-18th century it was an important area for growing cotton and by the 1800s it was becoming the largest city in China.Foreigners came into Shanghai due to foreign trade after the Opium Wars.The British,along with the Americans and French,were allowed to live in certain territorial zones without being under the Chinese laws.As a result of all the foreigners,Shanghai became greatly influenced by Western culture,but things changed dramatically after Communism took over.
During the 1900s,opium sales along with the gambling and prostitution that went with it brought in very big profits.After the end of Shanghai's subjugation by the Japanese,the Nationalist Chinese government was given control of the city.The foreigners no longer had control and by 1949,Shanghai was transformed by the Communist Chinese government.
As the foreigners left,the businesses that were left behind were one by one taken over by the government.After losing ground during the Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976,Deng Xiaopeng's open door policy allowed for the advancement back to being an international force in business and finance.
Then in 1990s,Pudong developed quickly
to become a new financial region in the east
part of Shanghai.Shanghai will host the World
Expo in 2010.



简 称:沪
区 号:021
邮 编:200000
面 积:东西宽100公里,南北长120多公里,全市陆地面积为6340.5平方公里,其中外环线以内主城区面积610平方公里。境内的崇明岛面积1041平方公里,是我国第三大岛。
人 口:常住人口约1674多万,流动人口约200万。
位 置:位于北纬31度14分,东经121度29分。地处长江三角洲前沿,倚东海之滨,向东是浩瀚无垠的太平洋、与美国的西海岸隔海相望,南临杭州湾,西与富庶的江苏、浙江两省毗邻,北界黄金水道长江入海口,正当我国南北海岸线的中部,交通便利,腹地广裹,地理位置十分优越,是世界第三大港和中国最大的港口。
区 划:全市共辖18个区(黄浦、卢湾、徐汇、杨浦、长宁、静安、普陀、闸北、虹口、浦东新区、宝山、嘉定、闵行、金山、松江、青浦、奉贤、南汇)。1个郊县(崇明)。
市 花:白玉兰
Shanghai introduced
Shanghai, is located shore of the East China Sea, the Yangtze River estuary place, is the Chinese biggest city, also is a China foreign reform and open policy window.
Shanghai is develops day after day the powerful city unceasingly, is the our country biggest trade, the financial center, also is west the Pacific section important international port city. Among them outside relates widely, the transportation, the communication quite are developed, is attracting the more and more many attentions vision.
Shanghai is located the Yangtze River delta silting alluviation plain, but acquires fame because of the Wusong river branch Shanghai water's edge. When Spring and Autumn Period is Wu, when the Warring States the local fisherman created has caught fish the tool □retinue □, called area this was the hudu, when the Eastern Jin Dynasty built the hudu in this to build by guards against the pirate, therefore Shanghai was called □Shanghai □. Shanghai is China's historical city, is passed by the reputation for □Jianghai Tianjin, southeast can □. □in 2000 the history looks at Xi'an, in 1000 the history looked at Beijing, 100 years history looked Shanghai □, Shanghai was near modern China □the miniature □, had the sincere historical inside story. As party's 诞生地, this city has more increased a unique brilliance. Here gathered together how many men of the hour, Sun Yat-Sen, Song Qingling, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Lu Xun, Li Hongzhang, Chiang Kai-Shek, Song Ziwen and so on many celebrities' trails scattered in the Shanghai each place different residential building, was containing section of sections thought-provoking past events.
Shanghai has the makings which one kind of any city all is unable to compare, is her "foreign style". In 1843 Shanghai opened the port, has formed the cultural characteristic which her all corners of the land, China and the West blended. Shanghai's emerging financial negotiable securities, prompt sale, foreign exchange and technology and so on nationwide the market establishment, established Shanghai to take the national resources disposition center the status, at the same time also sped up the step which Shanghai was economical and international connects rails. In October, 2001, the APEC conference is held in Shanghai, Shanghai took new century international economy, finance, trade centers of a status has been established initially!
Today Shanghai, is has the modernization but also not to lose the China traditional features extremely the Shanghai culture metropolis. Lively Shanghai everywhere is appearing her unique charm, makes one be in a stew □□the Bund old style Western world to construct and the Pudong modern skyscraping building enhances one another's beauty; The Xujiahui cathedral saint 诗声 sound, the Yufu Temple cigarette curls; Under building projecting over a street or lane mahjong old person, in alley soccer youth; Populace theater Shanghai opera, farce, big theater symphony, ballet; Old hotel local guild delicacies, apricot blossom building general expression Guangdong tea, Yunnan road each place snack, red house French main dish, small Shaoxing's three yellow chickens, US'S Kentuckey; The Shanghai Laokay's teahouse, weighs the mountain road the bar, 中西合璧, the new joy old love, has each splendor respectively. The curtain of night arrives, the neon sparkles, a night of Shanghai enters the political arena, peaceful hotel jazz, Henan garden string and woodwind instruments music, lets the human recall on a century two, the 30's old Shanghai's old dream, but the modern disco dancing rhythm, springs up everywhere Internet bar, also has brought back to the human the 21st century modern civilizations □□
迈入 for the 21st century Shanghai, is prosperous and open sows seeds in here, the Eastern pearl television tower, the golden cyclopentadiene building, the Shanghai international convention center, the Pudong international airport, does not have one is not describing the international metropolis open prospect, the 21st century Shanghai, honorably converges with the dream in here, the Shanghai museum, the Shanghai big theater, the urban planning hall, does not have one is not making widely known the internationalization metropolis vast mood. New century Shanghai will be modernized, the internationalization, the fashion specimen, she warmly will be welcome the various countries friends arrival!
Shanghai survey
Abbreviation: Shanghai
District number: 021
Zip code: 200,000
Area: The thing extends 100 kilometers, the north and south long more than 120 kilometers, the whole city land area is 6340.5 square kilometers, in outside loop line host city area 610 square kilometers. The within the boundaries Chongming island area 1,041 square kilometers, are the our country third Oshima.
Population: Resident population approximately more than 16.74 million, transient population approximately 2 million.
Position: Is located north latitude for 31 ' 14 '', the east longitude 121 29 minute. Is situated at the Yangtze River delta front, relies on shore of the East China Sea, to the east is the vast boundless Pacific Ocean, 隔海相望 with US'S West coast, south is near Hangzhou bay, west with rich and populous Jiangsu, Zhejiang two provinces adjoining, north golden waterway Yangtze River enters the seaport, while our country north and south coastline middle, transportation convenient, the center broadly binds, the geographical position is extremely superior, is the world third big port and the Chinese biggest harbor.
The area delimits: The whole city altogether governs 18 areas (Huangpu, Lu Wan, Xuhui, Yang Pu, Changning, Jinan, Puto, Zhabei, Hongkou, the Pudong newly developed area, Paoshan, Jiading, Minhang, Jinshan, sungchiang province, Qingpu, Fengxian, Nanhui). 1 suburban counties (Chongming).
City flower: Michelia alba




简 称:沪
区 号:021
邮 编:200000
面 积:东西宽100公里,南北长120多公里,全市陆地面积为6340.5平方公里,其中外环线以内主城区面积610平方公里。境内的崇明岛面积1041平方公里,是我国第三大岛。
人 口:常住人口约1674多万,流动人口约200万。
位 置:位于北纬31度14分,东经121度29分。地处长江三角洲前沿,倚东海之滨,向东是浩瀚无垠的太平洋、与美国的西海岸隔海相望,南临杭州湾,西与富庶的江苏、浙江两省毗邻,北界黄金水道长江入海口,正当我国南北海岸线的中部,交通便利,腹地广裹,地理位置十分优越,是世界第三大港和中国最大的港口。
区 划:全市共辖18个区(黄浦、卢湾、徐汇、杨浦、长宁、静安、普陀、闸北、虹口、浦东新区、宝山、嘉定、闵行、金山、松江、青浦、奉贤、南汇)。1个郊县(崇明)。
市 花:白玉兰
Shanghai introduced
Shanghai, is located shore of the East China Sea, the Yangtze River estuary place, is the Chinese biggest city, also is a China foreign reform and open policy window.
Shanghai is develops day after day the powerful city unceasingly, is the our country biggest trade, the financial center, also is west the Pacific section important international port city. Among them outside relates widely, the transportation, the communication quite are developed, is attracting the more and more many attentions vision.
Shanghai is located the Yangtze River delta silting alluviation plain, but acquires fame because of the Wusong river branch Shanghai water's edge. When Spring and Autumn Period is Wu, when the Warring States the local fisherman created has caught fish the tool □retinue □, called area this was the hudu, when the Eastern Jin Dynasty built the hudu in this to build by guards against the pirate, therefore Shanghai was called □Shanghai □. Shanghai is China's historical city, is passed by the reputation for □Jianghai Tianjin, southeast can □. □in 2000 the history looks at Xi'an, in 1000 the history looked at Beijing, 100 years history looked Shanghai □, Shanghai was near modern China □the miniature □, had the sincere historical inside story. As party's 诞生地, this city has more increased a unique brilliance. Here gathered together how many men of the hour, Sun Yat-Sen, Song Qingling, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Lu Xun, Li Hongzhang, Chiang Kai-Shek, Song Ziwen and so on many celebrities' trails scattered in the Shanghai each place different residential building, was containing section of sections thought-provoking past events.
Shanghai has the makings which one kind of any city all is unable to compare, is her "foreign style". In 1843 Shanghai opened the port, has formed the cultural characteristic which her all corners of the land, China and the West blended. Shanghai's emerging financial negotiable securities, prompt sale, foreign exchange and technology and so on nationwide the market establishment, established Shanghai to take the national resources disposition center the status, at the same time also sped up the step which Shanghai was economical and international connects rails. In October, 2001, the APEC conference is held in Shanghai, Shanghai took new century international economy, finance, trade centers of a status has been established initially!
Today Shanghai, is has the modernization but also not to lose the China traditional features extremely the Shanghai culture metropolis. Lively Shanghai everywhere is appearing her unique charm, makes one be in a stew □□the Bund old style Western world to construct and the Pudong modern skyscraping building enhances one another's beauty; The Xujiahui cathedral saint 诗声 sound, the Yufu Temple cigarette curls; Under building projecting over a street or lane mahjong old person, in alley soccer youth; Populace theater Shanghai opera, farce, big theater symphony, ballet; Old hotel local guild delicacies, apricot blossom building general expression Guangdong tea, Yunnan road each place snack, red house French main dish, small Shaoxing's three yellow chickens, US'S Kentuckey; The Shanghai Laokay's teahouse, weighs the mountain road the bar, 中西合璧, the new joy old love, has each splendor respectively. The curtain of night arrives, the neon sparkles, a night of Shanghai enters the political arena, peaceful hotel jazz, Henan garden string and woodwind instruments music, lets the human recall on a century two, the 30's old Shanghai's old dream, but the modern disco dancing rhythm, springs up everywhere Internet bar, also has brought back to the human the 21st century modern civilizations □□
迈入 for the 21st century Shanghai, is prosperous and open sows seeds in here, the Eastern pearl television tower, the golden cyclopentadiene building, the Shanghai international convention center, the Pudong international airport, does not have one is not describing the international metropolis open prospect, the 21st century Shanghai, honorably converges with the dream in here, the Shanghai museum, the Shanghai big theater, the urban planning hall, does not have one is not making widely known the internationalization metropolis vast mood. New century Shanghai will be modernized, the internationalization, the fashion specimen, she warmly will be welcome the various countries friends arrival!
Shanghai survey
Abbreviation: Shanghai
District number: 021
Zip code: 200,000
Area: The thing extends 100 kilometers, the north and south long more than 120 kilometers, the whole city land area is 6340.5 square kilometers, in outside loop line host city area 610 square kilometers. The within the boundaries Chongming island area 1,041 square kilometers, are the our country third Oshima.
Population: Resident population approximately more than 16.74 million, transient population approximately 2 million.
Position: Is located north latitude for 31 ' 14 '', the east longitude 121 29 minute. Is situated at the Yangtze River delta front, relies on shore of the East China Sea, to the east is the vast boundless Pacific Ocean, 隔海相望 with US'S West coast, south is near Hangzhou bay, west with rich and populous Jiangsu, Zhejiang two provinces adjoining, north golden waterway Yangtze River enters the seaport, while our country north and south coastline middle, transportation convenient, the center broadly binds, the geographical position is extremely superior, is the world third big port and the Chinese biggest harbor.
The area delimits: The whole city altogether governs 18 areas (Huangpu, Lu Wan, Xuhui, Yang Pu, Changning, Jinan, Puto, Zhabei, Hongkou, the Pudong newly developed area, Paoshan, Jiading, Minhang, Jinshan, sungchiang province, Qingpu, Fengxian, Nanhui). 1 suburban counties (Chongming).
City flower: Michelia alba


History of Shanghai, China
Shanghai began as a fishing village in the 11th century, but by the mid-18th century it was an important area for growing cotton and by the 1800s it was becoming the lar...


History of Shanghai, China
Shanghai began as a fishing village in the 11th century, but by the mid-18th century it was an important area for growing cotton and by the 1800s it was becoming the largest city in China. Foreigners came into Shanghai due to foreign trade after the Opium Wars. The British, along with the Americans and French, were allowed to live in certain territorial zones without being under the Chinese laws. As a result of all the foreigners, Shanghai became greatly influenced by Western culture, but things changed dramatically after Communism took over.
During the 1900s, opium sales along with the gambling and prostitution that went with it brought in very big profits. After the end of Shanghai's subjugation by the Japanese, the Nationalist Chinese government was given control of the city. The foreigners no longer had control and by 1949, Shanghai was transformed by the Communist Chinese government.
As the foreigners left, the businesses that were left behind were one by one taken over by the government. After losing ground during the Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976, Deng Xiaopeng's open door policy allowed for the advancement back to being an international force in business and finance.
Then in 1990s, Pudong developed quickly
to become a new financial region in the east
part of Shanghai. Shanghai will host the World
Expo in 2010.

