英语翻译This book includes a detailed outline of Assyrian grammar,transliterated texts,an extensive glossary and a comprehensive list of alphabets.Aramaic is also known as Assyrian and knowledge of it is a must for any serious scholar of the bibl

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 11:38:56

英语翻译This book includes a detailed outline of Assyrian grammar,transliterated texts,an extensive glossary and a comprehensive list of alphabets.Aramaic is also known as Assyrian and knowledge of it is a must for any serious scholar of the bibl
This book includes a detailed outline of Assyrian grammar,transliterated texts,an extensive glossary and a comprehensive list of alphabets.Aramaic is also known as Assyrian and knowledge of it is a must for any serious scholar of the bible.The instruction guide is designed for those intere4sted in learning to read the language.
Overall,this is a pretty decent book,esecially for the price,but it is definitely not for a complete novice or for someone who wants to learn to read Assyrian fluently.In both those respects,Huehnergard's "Grammar of Akkadian" is far superior to this (but unfortunately out of print and a little bit pricier).If you're interested in learning Assyrian,this is still a good book to have.
A few things that I liked about the book were as follows:it has a good concise treatment of Assyrian grammar.The bulk of the book is made up of Akkadian texts in transcription.It also includes a sign list and a number of texts in cuneiform and also one translated text for comparison.These make for good reading practice,but ...that brings me to the things I didn't like.
Though the grammar section was concise,there were no excercises,and it was painfully vague in many places.Because there were no excercises,the student is expected to simply memorize the sign list and grammatical forms and then begin reading unedited Akkadian texts with the help of the notes in the back of the book.Also,the grammatical explanations and vocabulary assume that the reader is already familiar with Biblical Hebrew (the vocabulary list is written in Hebrew letter rather than cuneiform).
In summary,this is a nice book for some extra reading practice (especially for the price),but there really are a number of other grammars available that are much better for a true beginner (try Huehnergard's if you can find it,or Sayce's if you can't).(Report this)
11 of 12 people found the following review helpful:
2.0 out of 5 stars A test of will,December 25,2000
By Urshulgi (West Linn,Oregon United States) - See all my reviews
This books is a test of the will,as well as one's desire to become anything like a linguist.If you picked up this book to gain an understanding of assyrian in a sense of fluency,well,there are reasons this book only costs eleven dollars.I have never seen another easily accessible guide to assyrian,and was forced to buy this book for want of a competing volume.It is arranged poorly and one gets the impression it is the product of some editor stealing an assyriologist's notebook.It reads like an archaeologist's private joke,and could turn many people off to the language as a whole.Another word of caution:the triliteral roots used in the back only make sense if one has a solid grounding in ancient hebrew.My own skill at the language is spotty,at best; I eagerly await a better volume for instruction in what I cannot deny is an overlooked and fascinating language.

英语翻译This book includes a detailed outline of Assyrian grammar,transliterated texts,an extensive glossary and a comprehensive list of alphabets.Aramaic is also known as Assyrian and knowledge of it is a must for any serious scholar of the bibl
总的来说,这是一个相当体面的图书,esecially的价格,但它绝对不是一个完整的新手或有人谁想要读书亚述流利.在这两个方面,Huehnergard的“语法的阿卡德人” ,远远超出本(但不幸的是绝版的和有点贵) .如果您有兴趣了解亚述人,这仍然是一本好书了.
虽然是简洁的语法部分,但没有excercises ,这是痛苦的模糊,在许多地方.因为没有excercises ,学生预计只需记住注册名单和语法形式,然后开始读案文未经阿卡德人的帮助下,纸币背面的书.此外,语法和词汇的解释假定读者已经熟悉圣经的希伯来语(词汇清单是希伯来文写的信,而不是楔形文字) .
总之,这是一个不错的书,一些额外的阅读实践(特别是价格) ,但真的有一些其他语法提供的更适合一个真正的新手(尝试Huehnergard的如果你能找到它,或者Sayce的话你不能) .(本报告)
由Urshulgi (西属,美国俄勒冈州) -查看我的所有评论












辛苦楼上俩了 看得我都眼花了

这本书包括亚述语法、 转译的文本、 一个广泛的术语表和字母的综合列表的详细的纲。 Aramaic 也称为亚述它的知识,对于任何严重的学者的圣经为。 该指令指南是为那些 intere4sted 读取语言学习设计的。

整体,这是一相当像样的书的价格为 esecially,但它是绝对不为一个完整的初学者或想要学习阅读亚述一口流利的人。 在这两个这些方面 Huehnergard...


这本书包括亚述语法、 转译的文本、 一个广泛的术语表和字母的综合列表的详细的纲。 Aramaic 也称为亚述它的知识,对于任何严重的学者的圣经为。 该指令指南是为那些 intere4sted 读取语言学习设计的。

整体,这是一相当像样的书的价格为 esecially,但它是绝对不为一个完整的初学者或想要学习阅读亚述一口流利的人。 在这两个这些方面 Huehnergard 的"语法的 Akkadian"比远此 (但不幸的打印并有点 pricier)。 如果您有兴趣学习亚述,这仍然是有一本好书。
我喜欢这本书有关的一些事项如下: 它有一个好的简明治疗亚述语法。 这本书的大部分由在转录 Akkadian 文本组成。 它还包含符号列表和数量的文本中 cuneiform 和亦之一翻译文本的比较。 这些使实践良好的阅读,但...了解使我我不喜欢的东西。
简明语法部分虽有没有习题,和很痛苦模糊在很多地方。 因为没有习题学生,可望只需记住标志列表和语法形式,然后开始阅读的书后面的注释帮助的未编辑 Akkadian 文本。 此外,语法的解释和词汇假定读者是已经熟悉圣经希伯来语 (词汇列表的书面希伯来语字母而不是 cuneiform 服务)。
这谨此陈摘要中, 是一本好书 (尤其是对价格) 一些额外的阅读实践的但真的有大量的其他语法可用是一个真正的初学者好得多 (如果你不能,可以找到它,或 Sayce 的用 Huehnergard 的).(Report this) 11 12 人的发现以下检讨有帮助: 2.0 出 5 星星的检验会 2000 年 12 月 25,按 Urshulgi (西部的研究,美国俄勒冈)-见我所有的评语这书是该的意志以及一个测试的渴望成为像一个语言学家的东西。 如果您以了解的 assyrian 在某种流利性,好拾起这本书,有这本书只成本十一美元的原因。 我从未见过 assyrian,另一个方便指南,被迫买这本书为了想要的一个竞争的卷。 它不佳安排及一个获取的印象是偷一个 assyriologist 笔记本一些编辑器的产品。 它读取喜欢一个考古学家私人的笑话,能把很多人关掉作为一个整体的语言。 另一个单词的警诫: triliteral 根中后面使用仅有意义,如果一有古代希伯来固体的接地。 我自己的技能,语言是雀斑,充其量 ; 我急切地等待一个更好的卷因为我不能否认教学,这是一个被忽略、 迷人的语言。
