英语翻译1吸烟有害健康.be harmful to 2我还没有戒烟,但我正在减少抽烟量.cut down 3这是我现在住的房子.live in 4他们很快建立起牢固的友谊.form5我叫父亲给我买一辆新车,他说他得考虑考虑.think ab

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 10:43:40

英语翻译1吸烟有害健康.be harmful to 2我还没有戒烟,但我正在减少抽烟量.cut down 3这是我现在住的房子.live in 4他们很快建立起牢固的友谊.form5我叫父亲给我买一辆新车,他说他得考虑考虑.think ab
1吸烟有害健康.be harmful to
2我还没有戒烟,但我正在减少抽烟量.cut down
3这是我现在住的房子.live in
5我叫父亲给我买一辆新车,他说他得考虑考虑.think about

英语翻译1吸烟有害健康.be harmful to 2我还没有戒烟,但我正在减少抽烟量.cut down 3这是我现在住的房子.live in 4他们很快建立起牢固的友谊.form5我叫父亲给我买一辆新车,他说他得考虑考虑.think ab
1.Smoking is harmful to our health.
2.I have not quit smoking yet, but I'm trying to cut it down.
3.This is the house I am living in now.
4.They formed frim friendship very fast.
5.I asked my father to buy a new car for me, he said he would think about it.

1.smoking is harmful to health
2.I have not given up smoking, but I am cutting it down.
3.this is the house I am living in.
4.they formed tight friendship quickly.
5.I asked my father to buy a new bike to me, but he said that he would think about it.

Smoking is harmful to your health.
I didn't quit smoking yet,but i am cutting down on it.
This is the house i am living in.
They build a form relationship soon.
I asked a car from my father,he said he had to consider it.

1.Smoking is harmful to health.
2.I haven't quit smoking,but I'm cutting down.
3.This is the house where I live in.
4.They formed firm friendship very soon.
5.I asked my dad to buy me a new car,but he said he would think about it.