分析句子各部分成分the woman with whom you shock hands just now is my aunt in Canada.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 15:09:34

分析句子各部分成分the woman with whom you shock hands just now is my aunt in Canada.
the woman with whom you shock hands just now is my aunt in Canada.

分析句子各部分成分the woman with whom you shock hands just now is my aunt in Canada.
the woman 主语(with whom you shock hands just now定语从句) is 系动词 my aunt 表语 in Canada地点状语

the woman is my aunt in Canada.--主句
with whom you shock hands just now --定从修饰 the woman

the woman is my aunt in Canada.主体
with whom you shock hands just now作为the woman的补语修饰the woman

The woman is my aunt in Canada.是主句
with whom you shook hands just now是定语从句修饰the woman又因为the woman在从句中作shook hands with的宾语,所以用whom.此外,介词可以前移到关系代词前

分析句子各部分成分the woman with whom you shock hands just now is my aunt in Canada. 句子各部分成分详细分析Marx found it important to study the situation in Russia. 谢谢啦 帮我分析一下这句英语句子.the decision-makers do not see themselves as being accountable to the common people.问题是分析一下各部分成分,和AS在句子里做什么成分,和AS的意思 i can't get along well with him帮忙分析这句子各部分成分构成, 求分析she is the girl from china的各部分成分 请英语大神分析一下这个句子!Environmental protection should be given priority for any country that plans to provide a secure future for the younger generation.请高手分析一下各部分在句中所做成分! 定语从句成分分析请讲讲各部分在句子中做什么.如There are many works of arts in the museum [which] we will visit tomorrow.which在句中做什么 为什么? 分析英语句子:what is the man trying to say to the woman?请分析句子各组成成分及语序.特别是trying to asy to the woman?为什么要用triying?到底哪部分是定语,哪部分是状语?为什么这么用? 请分析一句话的句子成分I found it not good for your health to eat cold food.请分析下句子各部分成分 英语.谁能帮我分析这个句子的成分,越详细越好,when the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments,They were amazed to find that the goddess truned out to be a very modern-looking woman. A woman taxi driver - the only woman谁能帮忙分析下这句话的句子结构啊 I found it not good for your health to eat cold food.请分析下句子各部分成分如题,请讲解 分析句子的成分,各部分是做什么成分的1,users who inject the drug are also in more danger if they share needles with other users2 now i work in a center for drug addicts,helping others to stop taking drugs3 he told me that i could die i 请英语大神帮忙分析一下这两个句子的语法结构吧!句子:1. I asked her why she smiled at me that day.2. It is where we do interviews with the big sports stars.请问这两个句子是什么从句,各部分做什么成分? 英语翻译加句子分析成分 哪位帮我分析一下这个英语的句子成分,也就是主从句之间的关系?哪位帮我分析一下这个英语句子前半句的成分:Influenced by the view of some twentieth-century feminists that woman's position within the family is 句子结构成分分析,比如主语+谓语+...The loud voice from the upstairs made him angry. 句子结构和成分分析:It is the same with the challenge that come with friendship.