Could you please get the key off the back of the door for me这里的 off the back 指的是什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 01:39:58

Could you please get the key off the back of the door for me这里的 off the back 指的是什么
Could you please get the key off the back of the door for me
这里的 off the back 指的是什么

Could you please get the key off the back of the door for me这里的 off the back 指的是什么
不能这么分吧,get off是一块的,the back of 是一块的,意思是请你把门后面的钥匙递给我

the back of the door 门的后面
get the key off the back of the door 从门的后面取下钥匙
get sth off...

off 于get搭配...
是get off “拿走,拿开”


ge the key off the back of the door:把钥匙从门背后取下来
