请问fœce一词何意?不知是法语还是拉丁语,原句见下:Cato was wont to speak a whole day,and to little purpose; and even the Philippics of Cicero effected as little in fœce Ro-muli,as those of Demosthenes in fœce Solonis

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 18:53:42

请问fœce一词何意?不知是法语还是拉丁语,原句见下:Cato was wont to speak a whole day,and to little purpose; and even the Philippics of Cicero effected as little in fœce Ro-muli,as those of Demosthenes in fœce Solonis
Cato was wont to speak a whole day,and to little purpose; and even the Philippics of Cicero effected as little in fœce Ro-muli,as those of Demosthenes in fœce Solonis.
加图习惯于一整天作演讲却没什么目的;甚至西塞罗抨击安东尼的演讲对罗慕卢斯的 的影响也跟德摩斯梯尼的演讲对梭伦的 的影响一样小?

请问fœce一词何意?不知是法语还是拉丁语,原句见下:Cato was wont to speak a whole day,and to little purpose; and even the Philippics of Cicero effected as little in fœce Ro-muli,as those of Demosthenes in fœce Solonis
fœce应当是faece, fæce的一个拼法,拉丁语faex.词典解释是dregs, grounds.
Cato optime sentit, sed nocet interdum reipublicæ; loquitur enim tanquam in republica Platonis, non tanquam in fæce Romuli:
Cato means excellently well; but he does hurt sometimes to the state; for he talks as if it were Plato’s republic that we are living in, and not the dregs of Romulus
the dregs of Romulus貌似可以和Plato's republic对比的样子.罗马的土地?