英语翻译10 Food processingWhile this review emphasizes applications with a horticultural bias,fruit and vegetables comprise the raw materials for food industries where MRI technique are being employed to investigate dynamic process involving tran

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 13:16:54

英语翻译10 Food processingWhile this review emphasizes applications with a horticultural bias,fruit and vegetables comprise the raw materials for food industries where MRI technique are being employed to investigate dynamic process involving tran
10 Food processing
While this review emphasizes applications with a horticultural bias,fruit and vegetables comprise the raw materials for food industries where MRI technique are being employed to investigate dynamic process involving transfer of heat and water.Here the interest is less in describing the static structural features of samples,but rather in measuring quantitative transient changes in particular MR attributes which can be related to the temperature or moisture content of foods during processing and storage.Recent overviews of this area include:McCarthy and Kauten,Ablett and accompanying articles in the same issue ; Schrader et al.,Colquhoun and Goodfellow ,McCarthy,Hills,and Schmidt et al..
Moisture profiles during drying can be determined by substituting appropriate values for TE and TR into EQ,along with value for T1 and T2 derived from separate measurements on cohorts at the particular temperature at which the experiment is being conducted.The relaxation parameters for apple,corn ,maize and potato show sufficiently limited time – and temperature- dependence that signal intensity can be considered to be directly proportional to proton density.Consequently,by comparing image intensity at any point within the sample against a standard of known moisture content ,either an aqueous phantom included alongside the sample or tissue sample pre-equilibrated at various moisture contents,relative moisture content can be ascertained non-invasively.This approach has been successful in describing transient moisture profiles during
Drying of apple ,an ear of corn,potato.In the maize experiments,analysis of moisture profiles along orthogonal plane obtained from 3D datasets has enabled transient changes to be described in three dimensions.This in turn has lead to a definition of the location and conditions under which drying –induced ‘stress cracks’ occur,a condition which causes problems in the subsequent processing of the dried product.A similar approach has been used describe rehydration of corn syrup.Rehydration of pre –dried potato and beans are examples of other crops studies by MRI methods

英语翻译10 Food processingWhile this review emphasizes applications with a horticultural bias,fruit and vegetables comprise the raw materials for food industries where MRI technique are being employed to investigate dynamic process involving tran
10食品加工虽然这次审查强调应用与园艺偏见,水果和蔬菜组成的原料的食品工业在磁共振成像技术正在利用动态过程进行调查,涉及转让的热量和水分.在这里,感兴趣的是在描述较少的静态结构特点的样本,而是在定量测量瞬态变化特别致辞的属性,可相关的温度或水分含量的食物在处理和储存.最近概述这一领域包括:麦卡锡和Kauten ,Ablett及所附条款同样的问题;施拉德等.,Colquhoun和古德,麦卡锡,丘陵和施密特等人..干燥过程中水分剖面来确定适当的价值观念取代为电子和TR到均衡,以及价值的T1和T2来自不同的测量同伙在特定温度的试验正在进行.放宽参数苹果,玉米,玉米和马铃薯充分显示有限的时间和温度的依赖信号强度可以被认为是成正比的质子密度.因此,通过比较形象的强度范围内的任何时候对样品的标准称为水分含量,无论是水幻像包括一道样品或组织样品前平衡在不同水分含量,水分含量相对可以确定非侵入性.这种方法已成功地描述瞬时干燥过程中水分剖面的苹果,一穗玉米,马铃薯.在玉米实验,分析了水分剖面沿正交平面获得三维数据,使瞬态变化中所描述的三个层面.这反过来又导致定义的位置和在何种条件下干燥诱导应力裂缝发生,其中一个条件的原因问题,在随后的干燥处理的产品.类似的方法被用来描述补液的玉米糖浆.补液预干燥马铃薯和豆类的例子其他作物的MRI研究方法