I've seen the same film___you saw yesterday.I 'll buy the same dress___you wear.为什么第一题用that,第二题用as

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/16 01:29:27

I've seen the same film___you saw yesterday.I 'll buy the same dress___you wear.为什么第一题用that,第二题用as
I've seen the same film___you saw yesterday.I 'll buy the same dress___you wear.

I've seen the same film___you saw yesterday.I 'll buy the same dress___you wear.为什么第一题用that,第二题用as
我看了昨天你看的那部电影.两部电影都是一样的,只是我看的是把你昨天看的电影又重放一次,但是还是同一部,用the same that.
1.the same as是同样的.譬如,同班学生使用的教材是同样的,可以说:Student A has the same book as Student B (has).(as是关系代词,替代先行词the same book ,has的宾语也是book就可以省略)
2.the same that是同一个.譬如,我今天使用的和昨天使用的是同一本教材,可以说:Today I use the same book that is used yesterday.(that是关系代词,替代先行词the same book ) 如果我有一本书,那么同类别的书就叫做the same as,这本书本身就the same that