英语翻译The Supreme Court again addressed the issue of preclusion in Traynor v.Turnage because of a split in federal appeals court decisions.Veterans were entitled to educational benefits only within ten years following their discharge unless the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 13:30:12

英语翻译The Supreme Court again addressed the issue of preclusion in Traynor v.Turnage because of a split in federal appeals court decisions.Veterans were entitled to educational benefits only within ten years following their discharge unless the
The Supreme Court again addressed the issue of preclusion in Traynor v.Turnage because of a split in federal appeals court decisions.Veterans were entitled to educational benefits only within ten years following their discharge unless the time was extended because of a “physical or mental disability which was not the result of...the veteran’s own willful misconduct”.The veterans’ Administration defined alcoholism unrelated to an underlying psychiatric conduct as “willful misconduct” and refused to pay the benefits.Veterans contested the rule as violating another federal law,the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.The Second Circuit found that such claims were precluded but the D.C.Circuit held them to be subject to review.
In Traynor,Justice Byron White began with the proposition that judicial review of administrative action is favored by Congress unless there is “clear and convincing evidence” otherwise.Here there was no such evidence that Congress intended to preclude a suit claiming that the Rehabilitation Act provisions negated the VA regulations about alcoholism,thus proving once again that courts can and do maneuver around preclusion language.In response to the continuing concern over benefits,Congress created the Court of Veterans Appeals and provided for further appeals to the Federal Circuit if a constitutional issue is at stake.More recently,Congress has precluded appeals of certain types of deportation orders and prisoners’ right cases.
Judicial restraint.Although courts can and do intervene in the administrative process,they are often reluctant to do so and tend to show great deference to administrative expertise when intervention is necessary.Courts have traditionally practiced judicial restraint when exercising the power of judicial review.Requirements of standing,ripeness,and mootness are just a few of the methods used by courts to avoid the use of their judicial power.In addition to these traditional methods,courts have adopted several other procedural devices to prevent premature judicial intervention into the administrative process.

英语翻译The Supreme Court again addressed the issue of preclusion in Traynor v.Turnage because of a split in federal appeals court decisions.Veterans were entitled to educational benefits only within ten years following their discharge unless the
最高法院再次解决的问题排除在traynor五turnage因为一个分裂的联邦上诉法院的决定.退伍军人有权教育的好处只有在十年以下,除非他们的放电的时间延长,因为一个“身体或精神残疾,这是没有结果...老自己的不当行为” .退伍军人政府的定义,酗酒无关的一个基本精神进行的“不当行为” ,并拒绝支付的好处.退伍军人有争议的法治违反另一项联邦法律,1973年康复法.第二个电路,发现此类索赔被排除,但直流电路举行他们加以检讨.
在traynor ,正义拜伦白开始与命题,即司法审查的行政行为是最惠国待遇,国会通过,除非有“明确和令人信服的证据” ,否则.这里有没有这样的证据表明,国会打算排除了诉讼,声称康复法的规定,否定了VA部规定,酗酒,从而再次证明了法院可以做机动靠近排除语言.在回应的持续关注,福利,国会设立法庭的退伍军人上诉,并提供进一步上诉到联邦巡回如果一个宪制上的问题处于危险之中.最近,国会已排除上诉某些类型的递解离境令和犯人的权利的案件.

