英语翻译不要用翻译软件翻译的.如果是翻译的.希望也加工一下.让别人能看懂.委托代理合同委托方(以下简称甲方):_________ 受托方(以下简称乙方):_________ 甲乙双方就乙方代理甲方福

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 15:24:13

英语翻译不要用翻译软件翻译的.如果是翻译的.希望也加工一下.让别人能看懂.委托代理合同委托方(以下简称甲方):_________ 受托方(以下简称乙方):_________ 甲乙双方就乙方代理甲方福
甲方(盖章):_________ 乙方(盖章):_________
代表人(签字):_________ 代表人(签字):_________
_________年____月____日 _________年____月____日
签订地点:_________ 签订地点:_________

英语翻译不要用翻译软件翻译的.如果是翻译的.希望也加工一下.让别人能看懂.委托代理合同委托方(以下简称甲方):_________ 受托方(以下简称乙方):_________ 甲乙双方就乙方代理甲方福
Entrustment Contract
  Party A (hereinafter referred to as Party A):_________
  Party B (hereinafter referred to as Party B):_________
  Both parties make and set the terms and conditions as follows on the entrustment of SFDA medical apparatus registration in Fujian to Party B through mutual consent.
  Article 1
  Party A entrusts Party B to undertake the following medical apparatus SFDA registration in Fujian.
  Manufacturer: Xiamen Jiefa Medical Products Co., Ltd.
  Product Name: first-aid kit
  Specifications Type: Class II medical apparatus
  Article 2
  Party A shall provide related files and documents, including those required by the SFDA, as per the Medical Apparatus and Product Registration Management Methods, and shall be responsible for the authenticity, validity and legality of such files and documents, while Party B shall not check the aforementioned files and documents. Should the above files and documents fail to meet the above requirements, or Party A causes any misleading or any failure, which contribute to a denial or delay to such registration application, Party A shall be liable for all such legal results.
  Article 3
  Party B shall be entrusted to undertake the above registration business and shall keep any and all the files and documents provided by Party A in restrict secrets. In case of any failure of such registration, Party B shall submit any explanation in written to Party A or provide any document of refusal to registration by the SFDA without any delay.
  Article 4
  Party A shall, within 3 days after the signing hereof, make all the payment of RMB50000yuan as the entrusting fees.
  Article 5
  In case of any refusal to registration, including but not limited to the false files and documents or any illegality, the entrusting fees shall not by refund, and the entrustment hereof shall be terminated as of the date when a document of refusal to register is issued by related authority. Should such registration fail due to force majeur or any changes of state policy, any party may terminate this Contract and Party B shall refund the remaining entrusting fees except those uese.
  Article 6
  Except otherwise agreed by both parties, neither party shall terminate this Contract.
  In case of any termination made by Party A, the entrusting fees are not doomed to by refundable.
  Article 7
  Any disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement this agreement shall be submitted to ____ Arbitration Committee in accordance with the relating arbitration rules in valid. The arbitral award shall be final and binding on both parties.
  Article 8
  This Contract shall come into effect as of the date, when this Contract is signed and sealed by both parties and Party A make all the payment.
  Party A (seal ):_________ Party B (seal ):_________
  Representative(Signature ):_____ Representative (Signature ):_________
  Signed at :_________ Signed at :_________
  1、国家食品药品监督局的英文是State Food and Drug Administration(即SFDA),l楼主可按需要决定增加当地城市名称;
  2、代理费可由楼主按需要在entrusting fees 和agent fees中选择使用;