Green management measures such as certified environmental management systems (EMS) or tools like life cycle assessment activities are considered to improve corporate environmental performance directly by mandating companies to introduce environ-menta

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 18:46:37

Green management measures such as certified environmental management systems (EMS) or tools like life cycle assessment activities are considered to improve corporate environmental performance directly by mandating companies to introduce environ-menta
Green management measures such as certified environmental management systems
(EMS) or tools like life cycle assessment activities are considered to improve corporate
environmental performance directly by mandating companies to introduce environ-
mental goals and management structures as well as programs to achieve them
(Coglianese and Nash,2001; Johnstone,2001) and indirectly by inducing organizational
learning and providing critical environmental information (Melnyk et al.,2003).Some
econometric studies analyzing this hypothesis actually find a positive impact.For ex-
ample,Potoski and Prakash (2005) show that facilities which are certified according to
the EMS standard ISO 14001,developed by the non-governmental “International Or-
ganization for Standardization” (ISO),reduce more pollution emissions than non-
certified ones.Furthermore,Ziegler and Rennings (2004) and Rehfeld et al.(2006) find
a positive effect of green management measures on green technology,i.e.,future envi-
ronmental product or process innovations.In contrast,Dahlstrom et al.(2003) fail to
show that the ISO 14001 certification improves the compliance with environmental
regulations.Furthermore,Lenox and Nash (2003) point to adverse selection problems of
voluntary environmental programs (looking at the U.S.chemicals industry’s Responsi-
ble Care program) since in their study dirtier firms were more attracted to them.
We attribute this lack of clear-cut results in studies that regress corporate environmental
performance on green management to endogeneity problems.We argue that the corre-
sponding parameter estimates could be biased and inconsistent due to structural reverse
causality and/or unobserved firm heterogeneity (as a specific type of omitted variables).
Structural reverse causality occurs if the direction of causality between green manage-
ment and environmental performance is not clear.For example,the certification of EMS
according to ISO 14001 or the EU EMAS (Environmental Management and Auditing
Scheme) standard could facilitate the realization of technological environmental innova-
tions.However,these certifications could also be more attractive for already environ-
mentally innovative firms.Unobserved firm heterogeneity arises if unobserved firm
characteristics simultaneously influence green management and environmental per-

Green management measures such as certified environmental management systems (EMS) or tools like life cycle assessment activities are considered to improve corporate environmental performance directly by mandating companies to introduce environ-menta
( EMS )的或工具,如生命周期评估活动被认为是改善企业管
学习和提供关键环境信息( melnyk等人,2003年) .一些
充裕的,potoski和普拉卡什( 2005 )表明,设施,这是认证据
环境管理体系标准ISO 14001系列标准,制定了由非政府的“国际或-
ganization标准化“ (标准化组织) ,减少更多的污染排放量高于非
认证.此外,齐格勒和rennings ( 2004年)和rehfeld等人.( 2006年)找到
ronmental产品或工序的创新.在相比之下,dahlstrom等人.( 2003 )不
表明,该ISO 14001认证,提高了遵守环境
规例.此外,lenox和纳什( 2003 )点,以逆向选择的问题
自愿环境计划(看美国化学工业的responsi -
连接护理程序) ,因为在他们的研究肮脏公司更吸引他们.我们的属性,这缺乏旗帜鲜明的结果,在研究企业环境倒退
因果关系和/或观察到坚定的异质性(作为一种特定类型的省略变量) .
根据ISO 14001系列标准或欧盟黄金(环境管理和审计