英语翻译Both cases raised the issue of whether government regulation went so far that it was not only invalid but that damages should be paid to the complainant as well—a “talking.” In Penn Central the railroad alleged that the Landmarks La

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 08:42:02

英语翻译Both cases raised the issue of whether government regulation went so far that it was not only invalid but that damages should be paid to the complainant as well—a “talking.” In Penn Central the railroad alleged that the Landmarks La
Both cases raised the issue of whether government regulation went so far that it was not only invalid but that damages should be paid to the complainant as well—a “talking.” In Penn Central the railroad alleged that the Landmarks Law of New York City that denied it the right to erect a 55-story office building over the Grand Central Station at 42nd Street and Park Avenue involved a “taking” under the Fifth and Fourteenth amendments of the U.S.Constitution.In his opinion,Brennan addressed this problem and conceded that it was too difficult for the Court to develop any “set formula” for what constituted a “taking.” Consequently,while the Fifth Amendment (Just Compensation Clause) is “designed to bar government from forcing some people alone to bear public burdens [that],in all fairness and justice,should be borne by the public as a whole,” the determination (of when fairness and justice dictates such action) is made “upon the particular circumstances of the case,” based on an ad hoc factual inquiry.

英语翻译Both cases raised the issue of whether government regulation went so far that it was not only invalid but that damages should be paid to the complainant as well—a “talking.” In Penn Central the railroad alleged that the Landmarks La
两件案件同时引出一项争议,那就是是否政府法规太过分以致不仅无效而且应该给原告赔偿损害.在penn 中央法院,铁路方主张《纽约城市地表法》否认一项权利.这项权利就是在42街的大中央车站与公园大道上建造一幢55层办公大楼牵涉到美国宪法修正案第五条与第十四条相关权利的采用.根据铁路方的意见,brennan 提出这个问题并且认为法院很难为“采用相关宪法权利”而发展处一套程式是合理的!虽然第五宪法修正案(仅仅就是赔偿条款)阻止政府强迫一些人单独承受公共负担,根据公平与正义法则,这些负担应该由作为一个整体的公众来承担,但最终判决(这样的判决是公平与正义法则强行规定的!)的做出是一句案件特定的背景,即是依据专案的事实调查!





两件案件同时引出一项争议,那就是是否政府法规太过分以致不仅无效而且应该给原告赔偿损害。在penn 中央法院,铁路方主张《纽约城市地表法》否认一项权利。这项权利就是在42街的大中央车站与公园大道上建造一幢55层办公大楼牵涉到美国宪法修正案第五条与第十四条相关权利的采用。根据铁路方的意见,brennan 提出这个问题并且认为法院很难为“采用相关宪法权利”而发展处一套程式是合理的!虽然第五宪法修正案(仅...


两件案件同时引出一项争议,那就是是否政府法规太过分以致不仅无效而且应该给原告赔偿损害。在penn 中央法院,铁路方主张《纽约城市地表法》否认一项权利。这项权利就是在42街的大中央车站与公园大道上建造一幢55层办公大楼牵涉到美国宪法修正案第五条与第十四条相关权利的采用。根据铁路方的意见,brennan 提出这个问题并且认为法院很难为“采用相关宪法权利”而发展处一套程式是合理的!虽然第五宪法修正案(仅仅就是赔偿条款)阻止政府强迫一些人单独承受公共负担,根据公平与正义法则,这些负担应该由作为一个整体的公众来承担,但最终判决(这样的判决是公平与正义法则强行规定的!)的做出是一句案件特定的背景,即是依据专案的事实调查!


raise 求翻译 However,it backed the wrong horse in both cases. 英语翻译另外both 英语翻译另外both 英语翻译另外both 英语翻译1 Saturated fats raise total blood cholesterol levels more than dietary cholesterol because they tend to boost both good high-density lipoproteins and bad low-density lipoproteins chlesterol.2 Trans-fatty acids are fats produced by heatin 英语翻译Being married appears to raise the life expectancy of both men and women above those that are unmarriedabove 这里是不是就相当于than?要是的话,我得以后多用用 英语翻译 both.I think both is important. 英语翻译Hospital admission is not necessary in most cases. 英语翻译in extreme cases,they constitute sheer torture of animals 英语翻译应该是用raise your hand还是用raise your hands 英语翻译应该翻译成His eyebrows raise upword还是He raise eyebrows或eyebrows are raised 英语翻译raise your hands to me or raise your hands for me 用哪个?理由是什么 英语翻译To reduce transportation costs manufacturers and wholesalers typically ship cases of products to retailerstypically ship cases 的用意 英语翻译句子里要有both 英语翻译并帮我区分 rise arise raise arouse 英语翻译 托尼举起手好像要说些什么(raise,as if ) 英语翻译Each Processed Record is sent through a routine that sets or gets the values of variables you can provide in your test records.In both cases,the current or resulting value of the variable is stored in memory AND substituted back into the