奥运小知识翻译百年奥运小知识 奥林匹克旗 奥林匹克旗,为白底无边,中央有五个相互套连的圆环,环的颜色自左至右为蓝、黄、黑、绿、红(也可用单色绘制),系1913年根据顾拜旦的构思而

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 07:29:50

奥运小知识翻译百年奥运小知识 奥林匹克旗 奥林匹克旗,为白底无边,中央有五个相互套连的圆环,环的颜色自左至右为蓝、黄、黑、绿、红(也可用单色绘制),系1913年根据顾拜旦的构思而





奥运小知识翻译百年奥运小知识 奥林匹克旗 奥林匹克旗,为白底无边,中央有五个相互套连的圆环,环的颜色自左至右为蓝、黄、黑、绿、红(也可用单色绘制),系1913年根据顾拜旦的构思而
Olympic ensign
Olympic ensign,is white the bottom be limitless,central have 5 a set mutually connect of circle wreath,the color of wreath from left go to right for blue,Huang,black,green and red(can also draw with the monochrome),fasten 1913 according to attend to do obeisance conceive outline of Dan but design creation.1914 is celebration modern Olympic sport instauration 20 anniversary,at Paris hold of Olympic representative conference top first time rise.Successive there is all meeting on the Olympic game closing ceremony the ensign hand over to connect a rites.BE sponsored the representative of city by the current Olympic game to hand over to the IOC the chairman ensign,again is delivered to ensign next batch by the chairman to sponsor city of mayor,then flag keep in the municipal services hall.
Olympic marking
Olympic marking,from five Olympic the wreath constitute,can be a kind of color or a few color.If use a color,the color of five wreaths designate as blue,Huang,black,green and red,wreath from left to right the mutual set connect,top is a blue,black and red wreath,underneath is Huang,green wreath.《Olympic charter 》provision:"Olympic five wreaths" is an Olympic sport of symbol,is the appropriation of the IOC marking,haven't yet an IOC admit,any group or personal can not used for it advertisement or other business activity.
The color of the ensign and marking of the Olympic meeting,fasten to attend to do obeisance Dan with them ability generalize the color of each member nation national flag but make selection.But later five kinds of to this color have again other explanation.1979 IOC publication of 《Olympic comment on (40 period)》emphasize,meeting ensign and five meaning of wreath BE:Symbol solidify and whole world of five greatest continents of athlete with fair,open of game and amity the spirit gather together 1 on the Olympic game.

The Olympics flag
The Olympics flag, is boundless for the white bottom, the central committee has five to wrap the company blue mutually the ring, link's color from right to left to, yellow, black...


The Olympics flag
The Olympics flag, is boundless for the white bottom, the central committee has five to wrap the company blue mutually the ring, link's color from right to left to, yellow, black, green, red (also available single color plan), was in 1913 designs the manufacture according to Gu Baidan's idea. in 1914 restored the 20th anniversary for the celebration modern Olympics movement, held in Paris in the Olympics Representative assembly raised for the first time. At all previous years Olympic Games closing ceremony has the meeting pennant handing-over ceremony. Gives by this Olympic Games host city's representative the flag IOC president, again by president mayor who submits the flag the next session of host city, then flag preservation in city hall.
The Olympics symbolize
The Olympics symbolized that is composed of five Olympics links, may be one kind of color or several kind of colors. If uses the color, five link's color stipulations for blue, yellow, black, are green, are red, the link sleeve joint, above is mutually from left to right blue, black, the red link, below is yellow, the green link. "the Olympics Charter" stipulated: “the Olympics five links” are the Olympics movement symbols, is IOC's special-purpose symbol, permitted without IOC, any association either individual do not use in it the advertisement or other commercial character activity. the Olympics meeting pennant and the sign color, is Gu Baidan can summarize various member nations national flag by them the color to designate. But later also will have other explanations to these five kind of colors. in 1979 IOC published "the Olympics Commentary" (the 40th issue) stressed that the meeting pennant and five link's meaning was: Symbolizes Five Continents' unity as well as the world athlete by fair, the frank competition and the friendly spirit is assemble at the Olympic Games.
