he is such an unselfish man you can not help but---A respect B to respect 请问:这一题应该选择B吧?因为 but 是“除了.之外”的意思 当它前面没有do时 后面要用to do

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 17:41:29

he is such an unselfish man you can not help but---A respect B to respect 请问:这一题应该选择B吧?因为 but 是“除了.之外”的意思 当它前面没有do时 后面要用to do
he is such an unselfish man you can not help but---
A respect B to respect 请问:这一题应该选择B吧?因为 but 是“除了.之外”的意思 当它前面没有do时 后面要用to do

he is such an unselfish man you can not help but---A respect B to respect 请问:这一题应该选择B吧?因为 but 是“除了.之外”的意思 当它前面没有do时 后面要用to do
你错了,应该选A,因为can't help but是个特殊的结构,具体如下:

3、can’t help but 和 can’t choose but
这一组短语与 can’t but 所表示的意思大致相同,只不过can’t help/choose but 强调一个人在不能在正常情况下处于本人控制之下所产生的结果,即由于无法避免或由不得本人的控制而“不能不、不得不、只好”
1)can’t help but
来源于 can’t help doing(禁不住做某事),cannot help 结构与现在分词同用的作用和我们禁不住钦佩他的勇气一句中的 cannot but 大致相同.cannot help but 也许是来自 cannot help 和 cannot but 的混合; 它具有前者的意思和后者的句法结构,如:
 * We cannot help but admire his courage.
 * We cannot help admiring his courage.
 *We cannot but admire his courage.
2)can’t choose but
强调“别无选择”,但可以说与 can’t help but 完全同义,如“我不能不感到遗憾”就可以用不同的手段表示——
 * I cannot choose but be sorry.(除了遗憾别无选择)
 * I cannot help but be sorry. (除了遗憾只能无可奈何)

He is such an unreasonable person. 是什么意思? ( )He is _________old man.A.such a B.so a C.such an D.so an normal is such an ugly He is also such 中文翻译 He is such an▁▁man.no one likes him.(annoy) 用so,such,such a,such an 连接以下各组句子 1.Don is an impa用so,such,such a,such an 连接以下各组句子1.Don is an impatient person. He never waits for anyone. 2.We had difficulties while we were abroad. We're sorry we went there. 3.Wil He is such an adwanced professer that his devotion to education is b--- wordsb开头的单词是虾米, 2He’s never watched such an important watch,______?A.hasn’t he B.has he C.isn’t he D.is h He is _____ an honest man _____ we respect him. He is _____ an honest man _____we respect.A.such…as B.such..that选哪个,应该怎么分析? He is such an honest boy as we all liked.He is such an honest boy that we all liked.这两句话的意思有什么区别呢/? he is ( )that everyone here likes him.so honest a man/such an honest man.为什麼?谁能告诉我此时such,so的用法? he is ____ an honest boy_____all of us love him A so a;that B so;that C such;that D such a;that He is an English 英语语法超级纠结中1 He was excited To such an degree that he couldn’t sleep last night.改成so/such...that 是To such an degree was he excited that he couldn’t sleep last night.2 The boy is interested in such a lovely toy that his paren He is such a darling 中文? He is not such a fool as he is looked. he is an american=he is ( ) ( ) beyond above等的语法差异He is such an honest person that he is_____telling a lie.A.beyond B.above C.over D.under