英语翻译Part ⅣTranslation 1.His train didn’t get into St.Albans until just before midnight.2.Perhaps my parents wouldn’t have reacted this way if they hadn’t spent all their lives in a small village in Wales.3.Some believe that this prove

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 15:25:23

英语翻译Part ⅣTranslation 1.His train didn’t get into St.Albans until just before midnight.2.Perhaps my parents wouldn’t have reacted this way if they hadn’t spent all their lives in a small village in Wales.3.Some believe that this prove
Part ⅣTranslation
1.His train didn’t get into St.Albans until just before midnight.
2.Perhaps my parents wouldn’t have reacted this way if they hadn’t spent all their lives in a small village in Wales.
3.Some believe that this proves that the British are more civilized and more interested in current affairs than other people.
4.The need for power increases every day,and some sources of energy are being used up very quickly.
5.The need for power increases every day,and some sources of energy are being used up very quickly.
6.I was shy and half stiff when in the presence of a crowd,and my first day at the new school made me the laughingstock of the classroom.
IV.Translate the following passages into Chinese.
1.由于那时东南亚国家金融危机引起不少企业出口方面的困难,所以它们都采取步骤调整出口销售策略,努力扭转局面.(give rise to,take steps to,in an effort to)

英语翻译Part ⅣTranslation 1.His train didn’t get into St.Albans until just before midnight.2.Perhaps my parents wouldn’t have reacted this way if they hadn’t spent all their lives in a small village in Wales.3.Some believe that this prove
1 直到半夜前夕,他的火车才会到达圣阿尔本兹.
2 如果我的父母没有花费他们的一生在威尔士的一个小村庄里,也许他们不会做出这样的反应.
3 一些人认为这证明了英国更加文明,对当代事务也比别人更加感兴趣.
4 对能源的需求日益增加,一些能源很快将被用完.
5 在众人面前我总是害羞又有点僵硬.在新学校的第一天,我成为全班的笑柄.

As the fanancial crisis of the Southeast Asian countries gave rise to the export difficulty in many companies, therefore, they all took steps to change their marketing strategies in an effort to turn the situation around.