select A.a,b,c,d from A,B where A.a=B.a and f='1'f=1不是条件 如果是f=a才算条件 如果f=1 只有一条 但是a表数据可不是一条啊请您仔细看我的回答 A.f=B.a才算是条件,我想问下您懂笛卡尔积吗?有2个表A,B;A

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:35:07

select A.a,b,c,d from A,B where A.a=B.a and f='1'f=1不是条件 如果是f=a才算条件 如果f=1 只有一条 但是a表数据可不是一条啊请您仔细看我的回答 A.f=B.a才算是条件,我想问下您懂笛卡尔积吗?有2个表A,B;A
select A.a,b,c,d from A,B where A.a=B.a and f='1'
f=1不是条件 如果是f=a才算条件 如果f=1 只有一条 但是a表数据可不是一条啊
请您仔细看我的回答 A.f=B.a才算是条件,我想问下您懂笛卡尔积吗?
还有你看清你提的问题,你说要通过A.f查询到B.a,b,c,d 你是这样问的对吗?
select A.a,b,c,d from A,B where A.a=B.a and f='1'
你找到什么答案了 请问(meilingaiyiff) 你既然能找到答案干嘛来百度献丑呢?

select A.a,b,c,d from A,B where A.a=B.a and f='1'f=1不是条件 如果是f=a才算条件 如果f=1 只有一条 但是a表数据可不是一条啊请您仔细看我的回答 A.f=B.a才算是条件,我想问下您懂笛卡尔积吗?有2个表A,B;A

His conduct was ------to the police.A.account to B.account for C.account of D.account fro select c.*,d* from ( select 图号 from ( SELECT a.*,b.存货编码 FROM 未明图号 as a left OUTER JOIN 存select c.*,d* from ( select 图号 from (SELECT a.*,b.存货编码FROM 未明图号 as a left OUTER JOIN 存货档案 as bON a.图号=b.规 ---Why was the offical meeting called?---____new officers.A.Select B.Selecting C.To Select D.For Selecting请问答案应该是哪个?为什么要选那个答案呢? 一个SQL语言,关于ANY 和ALL Q1:SELECT a FROM R WHERE b>= ANY (SELECT d FROM S WHERE c>10);Q2:SELECT a FROM R WHERE b>= ALL(SELECT d FROM S WHERE c>10);(A) Q1和Q2产生的结果一样; (B) Q1的结果总是包含Q2的结果;(C) Q2的结果总是 select * from a union select * from b 能详细说下么 根据SQL:select a.a,a.b,a.c,b.c,b.d,b.f from a LEFT OUT JOIN b ON a.a = b.c写出右外连接 select A,B,C,D=(select count(*) from 表 where c=a.a and b=a.b) from 表 a请问上面语句where c=a.a and b=a.b) from 表 a 中的a,b,c代表什么呢? tom decided to fight with the boy who had thrown his bag before.We have to ( ) to stop him.A.take action a result C.instead of D go to and fro select a from dbo.A where c=1 intersect selcet b from dbo.B where d=1求它的行个数怎么附加count函数 58.Mary had no trouble _____ her career because she had always wanted to be a select c.selecting d.selected如何如何解释 这段文字的意思update student  set grade = (  select grade from  (  select id,  case when score> 90 then 'a'  when score > 80 then 'b'  when score > 70 then 'c'  else 'd' end grade  from student  ) a (B)10.Although the room is small,it is in live in live D.live这类题什么时候选B,什么时候选C(C)11.A cup_____ drinking tea.A.used fro used to used for D.used to翻译并详解选C的原因(C)18. select * into b from a where 11 oracle查询语句 select a||','||b||','||c from table where a in('m','n') 为什么?The boss is considering _______ an employee who he considers _______ qualified to further study select,being B.selecting,being select,to be D.selecting,to be select A from B where C=‘D’and E=‘F’ 如果 F=null 则把E='F' 换成 M='N'select A from B where C=‘D’and M=‘N’ 求写成一个select语句 用的是DB2数据库 C和E都是主keyselect A from B where C=‘D’and E=nvl(‘F’,E) and If you had to ______ between staying here alone or going with me,what would you do?a、arrange b、 differ c、 select d、 choose单选 下列变量名中正确的是( ).A.3S B.Print C.Select My Name D.Select_1 外加为什么啊