英语翻译Commenting generally,Birnie and Boyle explain that the principle involves an equitable balancing between developed and developing States in at least two senses:by setting lower standards for developing States and by making the performance

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 11:38:26

英语翻译Commenting generally,Birnie and Boyle explain that the principle involves an equitable balancing between developed and developing States in at least two senses:by setting lower standards for developing States and by making the performance
Commenting generally,Birnie and Boyle explain that the principle involves an equitable balancing between developed and developing States in at least two senses:by setting lower standards for developing States and by making the performance of those standards dependent on the provision of assistance by developed States.
Though,inrelationtothelatteraspect,theyalsopointoutthattheprovisionoffinancial resources and the undertaking to provide or facilitate access to technology is usually dependent on mutual agreement of terms and conditions,leaving open to question the extent to which real rights or obligations are created.However,a common feature of the Biodiversity and Climate Change Conventions and of the Montreal Protocol is that the obligations of developing States to comply with the provisions therein ‘will depend on’the effective implementation of their provisions on financial assistance and transfer of technology by developed States.

英语翻译Commenting generally,Birnie and Boyle explain that the principle involves an equitable balancing between developed and developing States in at least two senses:by setting lower standards for developing States and by making the performance
泛泛地评论,博尼和波伊勒至少从两个观念解释了关于发达和发展中国家之间的公正平衡的原则: 通过为发展国家建立较低的标准以及那些标准的表现依赖于发达国家的协助条款.
尽管,涉及后面的一方, 他们还指出资金来源的条款和事业将提供或促进科技的使用通常取决于条款和条件的双边协议, 在某种程度上保留询问所产生的真正的权益或义务的开放性.然而, 生物多样性和气候变化会议和蒙特利尔议定书的一个共同特点是发展中国家的义务要遵从的条款在某方面将取决于发达国家在资金援助和技术转让上的条款的有效履行.