This is ____the question lies.A what B that C where D how.A what B that C where D how说一下为什么.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 07:37:27

This is ____the question lies.A what B that C where D how.A what B that C where D how说一下为什么.
This is ____the question lies.A what B that C where D how
.A what B that C where D how

This is ____the question lies.A what B that C where D how.A what B that C where D how说一下为什么.
where 连接的表语从句,where在从句中作地点状语


this is the way ____the nearest post office (介词) This is the key ____the B of C at D in If you ____the two books,you will see that this one is wit This is a big desk.It is ____the teacher.A.of B.for Qingdao is ____the ___of China Is this just the city ____the foreign guest wish to pay a visit which,/ B.that,to If you ____the two books,you will see that this one is B.c ques tion This is one of the means ____the eclectics energy is conducted from one place to anotherA by which C through which This is the largest clock in the world,____the minute hand is six meters long.A.where B.of which C.which D.whose 应选什么?为什么? Do you have____ ____the bike?你有自行车的钥匙吗?Do you know the ____ ____the question?然后是写一篇招领启事,物品是一串钥匙.Found:_________________________________________________________________-Is this you desk or his desk 在横线上填介词 My home is not far____the school .You can take this bus to get ____the museum.The library is ____our classroom.Look!There is an island(岛)____the middle of the lake.I can see lots of pears ____the tree. Is there anything interesting ____the newspaper?回答! Is there a cat ____the door Peter is looking out ____the window. There a is painiting ____the wall. to be or not to be ,that is a ques tion! This is really an exciting match.____the game?A,who do you think will win?B,Do you think whom will win?为什么不选B?