Much to the aristocrat's amusement,the...新概念3中的句子,请问是什么结构?独立主格吗?Much to the aristocrat's amusement,the gaoler returned a few moments later with a pair of glasses and the usual copy of the letter which he proceede

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 00:25:57

Much to the aristocrat's amusement,the...新概念3中的句子,请问是什么结构?独立主格吗?Much to the aristocrat's amusement,the gaoler returned a few moments later with a pair of glasses and the usual copy of the letter which he proceede
Much to the aristocrat's amusement,the...新概念3中的句子,请问是什么结构?独立主格吗?
Much to the aristocrat's amusement,the gaoler returned a few moments later with a pair of glasses and the usual copy of the letter which he proceeded to read to the prisoner.

Much to the aristocrat's amusement,the...新概念3中的句子,请问是什么结构?独立主格吗?Much to the aristocrat's amusement,the gaoler returned a few moments later with a pair of glasses and the usual copy of the letter which he proceede
这句话中的to the aristocrat’s amusememt 其实是一个状语结构,引出下文的原因或者解释,并不是独立主格,因为独立主格必须在其非谓语结构之前带上自己的主语,而这个结构的前面明显没有自己的主语.其次,这个句首的much是个程度副词,修饰这个状语.类似与Much to my surprise, much to his father's disappointment等等