英语翻译he saw a man with hands over his face and blood coming out between his fingers dr Bethune tried to get to him but a policeman came at that man and threw him up the airMurder someone shoutedBethune managed to make his way to his car he had

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 22:58:31

英语翻译he saw a man with hands over his face and blood coming out between his fingers dr Bethune tried to get to him but a policeman came at that man and threw him up the airMurder someone shoutedBethune managed to make his way to his car he had
he saw a man with hands over his face and blood coming out between his fingers dr Bethune tried to get to him but a policeman came at that man and threw him up the air
Murder someone shouted
Bethune managed to make his way to his car he had only one thought to get his medical bag his friends were waiting anxiously in the car whats happening one of them asked
Murder coldblooded murder Bethune answered
A young man came up one side of his face was red with blood Bethune took his arm here come round this way I am a doctor he turned to his friends in the car hand me my bag and give me a hand
He helped the young man into the back seat of the car as he treated the wound he could hear the sound of the horses shouts of the deomnstrators and the cries of protests
The next day the leaders of the Montreal unemployed were having a meeting in their office when the door flew open and a middleaged man walked in he said Im Dr Bethune any man woman and child you send to me will have free medical treatment
So his name became known among the unemployed he gave free medical treatment to the sick and the wounded he went to the homes of the unemployed and made friends with them he had entered a new society he wrote in his diary
My new friends and patients have wonderful spirit the have nothing yet they dream of a wonderful future they call me not Doctor of Medicine but Dr Beth a good name I feel I have set on a new roda.

英语翻译he saw a man with hands over his face and blood coming out between his fingers dr Bethune tried to get to him but a policeman came at that man and threw him up the airMurder someone shoutedBethune managed to make his way to his car he had
谋杀者 一个人喊道
白求恩试图靠近他的车 他唯一的想法是拿到他的医疗袋.他的朋友焦急的在车里等他 发生了什么?其中一个朋友问道
杀人犯 冷血杀人犯 白求恩说
一个半边脸被血染红的男子出现了 白求恩帮助他.到这来 我是个医生.白求恩对车内的伙伴说 把包给我 帮我个忙
他在后车厢给男子治疗伤口的同时 听见了 马的嘶鸣声 和人的喊叫
累了 = =偶去睡觉了 先到这吧 没断句的英文 看起来还挺吃力的 翻译的不好- -

第2天,当Montreal unemployed (应该是个地方或者个联合工会什么的吧.应该是无工作人的联盟??怎么具体说我也不知道,呵呵)的头在开会的时候,门突然开了,走进来一个中年人人说到:我是白求恩大夫,所有你送来我这的男人,女人和孩子都会得到免费的医疗救助


第2天,当Montreal unemployed (应该是个地方或者个联合工会什么的吧.应该是无工作人的联盟??怎么具体说我也不知道,呵呵)的头在开会的时候,门突然开了,走进来一个中年人人说到:我是白求恩大夫,所有你送来我这的男人,女人和孩子都会得到免费的医疗救助
这样,他的名字在没有工作的人群中传开了,他为那些人提供免费的医疗救助,他去那些没有工作的人家里,和他们交朋友,在他的日记里又多了一些社会层次的人,我的新朋友和病人们精神非常好,他们什么都没了,他们梦想着一个美好的未来,他们叫不叫我Doctor of Medicine,而叫我Dr Beth ,


i saw a man saw a saw with a saw 英语翻译1.The movie was OK,but he couldn't enjoy it.2.He got annoyed when he saw a man smoking in the restaurant. 英语翻译I have had a most rare vision.I have had a dream past the wit of man to say what dream it was.Man is but an ass if he go about t’ expound this dream.Methought I was — there is no man can tell what.Methought I was,and methought I had A man was mending a street lap when he saw a pretty young women 后面是什么? a man ran away as soon as he saw the police改成(-- --)the man saw the police ,he ran away,中间是两空 变成复合句:He saw a man standing with a hat in his hand He saw a man with a beard watching him closely.此处的closely是什么意思? He saw a man ( )get into还是enter into a car 英语翻译He saw a monkey _____ in the window yesterday. he saw a young man coming out withhe saw a young man coming out with two bags in his hands.汉语 翻译:he saw a young man coming out with two bags in his hands They ___the man until he disappeared.A.saw B.watched C.noticed D.looked 为什么? 翻译 he saw a young man coming out with twobags in his hands He saw a man come into the outer office.为什么不用came into? Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.And therefore,if a man write little,he had need have a great memory; if he confer little,he had need have a present wit; and if he read little,he had need have more cunning,t 英语翻译这是这首歌的地址 按照这个感觉来翻译So he started out takin' you out Doin' what any man would do Sayin' any and everything to just get wit you I can't say I blame him for a girl as fine as you So he played you out,ain't no 由英文猜单词From Vinci he came,a wit of a man.Jdeas he did draw and codes he did a plan...由这段英文,猜出 n d r l o o a e 的排列顺序 I saw a man saw a saw with a saw.这句话是什么意思?