May I keep the book for another week No,you You've already kept it so longyou 后面为什么是can't 不是musn't 什么时候用can't和 musn't呢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 03:55:43

May I keep the book for another week No,you You've already kept it so longyou 后面为什么是can't 不是musn't 什么时候用can't和 musn't呢
May I keep the book for another week No,you You've already kept it so long
you 后面为什么是can't 不是musn't 什么时候用can't和 musn't呢

May I keep the book for another week No,you You've already kept it so longyou 后面为什么是can't 不是musn't 什么时候用can't和 musn't呢
mustn't 语气强烈,一般涉及到法律法规或规章制度的时候,用mustn't,一般的情况用 can't

mustn't 是不许的意思,是口气强硬的禁止,can·t 是不能的意思

can‘t 表示不能,不可以,mustn't表示法律或道德意义上的禁止,所以这里是can't。同时记住must的否定回答是needn't,而不是mustn't,也是这个原因!如
--Must I go with you?
--No, you needn't!