she didn't conscious of someone coming in.和she was not conscious of someone coming in.的区别.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 03:48:33

she didn't conscious of someone coming in.和she was not conscious of someone coming in.的区别.
she didn't conscious of someone coming in.和she was not conscious of someone coming in.的区别.

she didn't conscious of someone coming in.和she was not conscious of someone coming in.的区别.
conscious是形容词,只能与系动词连用,而did只是一个无实意的助动词,因此可判断第一句缺少谓语动词,该句不成立;be conscious of你可以当成一个固定搭配来记,意为:意识到

前者结构不存在 conscious是形容词 did只是充当助动词而并非动词,所以在这句句子中缺少动词,所以这句句子是不成立
后者结构是成立的 主谓宾都有 解释为:她没有意识到有人进来
