英语翻译1....many economists say unemployment will continue to hover above 9%.中的hover 2.our retirement and college funds have taken a beating,...中的taken a beating3.the economy is steaming along at more than 10% annual growth,...中的stea

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 18:14:16

英语翻译1....many economists say unemployment will continue to hover above 9%.中的hover 2.our retirement and college funds have taken a beating,...中的taken a beating3.the economy is steaming along at more than 10% annual growth,...中的stea
1....many economists say unemployment will continue to hover above 9%.中的hover
2.our retirement and college funds have taken a beating,...中的taken a beating
3.the economy is steaming along at more than 10% annual growth,...中的steaming along.
4.China's government is pumping its new wealth right back into the country,..中的pumping.
5....and they blew everyone else away,...中的 blew...away
6.The Chinese are kicking our butt in everything...中的kicking...butt
7.we kept a jealous eye on the Soviets...中的 kept a ...eye on

英语翻译1....many economists say unemployment will continue to hover above 9%.中的hover 2.our retirement and college funds have taken a beating,...中的taken a beating3.the economy is steaming along at more than 10% annual growth,...中的stea
2.taken a beating 挨打,受打击,蒙受损失
3.steam along这里指 持续增长
4.pump 这里指 赚钱,吸金
6.kick someone's butt=kick ass someone's 意为,痛扁,教训一顿
7.keep an eye on对.留神 keep a jealous eye on 以嫉妒的神色看(嫉妒的心)或担心地注视着

1.hover本意是盘旋的意思,这里以为徘徊,停留保持的意思。eg.The mercury hovered around 36%c.温度徘徊在36度左右。
2.take a beating译为遭受损失,遭受打击,挨打。
5.blow away译为(以感情.惊奇等)...


1.hover本意是盘旋的意思,这里以为徘徊,停留保持的意思。eg.The mercury hovered around 36%c.温度徘徊在36度左右。
2.take a beating译为遭受损失,遭受打击,挨打。
5.blow away译为(以感情.惊奇等)压倒别人,镇住别人;枪杀某人,击毙某人


hover 徘徊,来回摆动 就是在9%上下浮动
take a beating 难以超越
steam along是很形象的表达,译为 加足马力往前,原句中则是 持续增长
pump 这里指 赚钱,吸金
blow ...away 有两种翻译,没有上下文不知道你指哪一种:1.赶走某人 2.失败,告吹
kick butt我觉得kick ass更好点,不能直译那样就贻...


hover 徘徊,来回摆动 就是在9%上下浮动
take a beating 难以超越
steam along是很形象的表达,译为 加足马力往前,原句中则是 持续增长
pump 这里指 赚钱,吸金
blow ...away 有两种翻译,没有上下文不知道你指哪一种:1.赶走某人 2.失败,告吹
kick butt我觉得kick ass更好点,不能直译那样就贻笑大方了,应翻译成 教训一番,给颜色看,让。。。穿小鞋等
keep an eye on 是 羡慕得很,一般是keep a green eye on with envy.
