When you say the product is guaranteed,what is the nature of guarantee you offer?Business question,please answer me in English!Give me a cool answer.我要的是用英语回答的答案,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 00:18:19

When you say the product is guaranteed,what is the nature of guarantee you offer?Business question,please answer me in English!Give me a cool answer.我要的是用英语回答的答案,
When you say the product is guaranteed,what is the nature of guarantee you offer?
Business question,please answer me in English!Give me a cool answer.

When you say the product is guaranteed,what is the nature of guarantee you offer?Business question,please answer me in English!Give me a cool answer.我要的是用英语回答的答案,