句型填空1.Now the sˍˍ is three to one.2.All the students are cˍˍ for our team now.3.Mary ran very fast and she fˍˍ and hurt her leg.4.Our football team got a gˍˍ,too.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 22:59:23

句型填空1.Now the sˍˍ is three to one.2.All the students are cˍˍ for our team now.3.Mary ran very fast and she fˍˍ and hurt her leg.4.Our football team got a gˍˍ,too.
1.Now the sˍˍ is three to one.
2.All the students are cˍˍ for our team now.
3.Mary ran very fast and she fˍˍ and hurt her leg.
4.Our football team got a gˍˍ,too.

句型填空1.Now the sˍˍ is three to one.2.All the students are cˍˍ for our team now.3.Mary ran very fast and she fˍˍ and hurt her leg.4.Our football team got a gˍˍ,too.
1,NOW the score is three to one.译:现在的比分是3:1
2,All the students are cheering for our team now.所有的学生都为我们队欢呼了
3.Mary ran very fast and she fall and hurt her leg.玛丽跑得非常快,她摔伤了她的腿.
4.Our football team got a goal,too.我们足球队也射门了.

score (单数没有s)
felt (feel过去式请注意拼写)
