英语翻译A:Did you have any hard time in the process of becoming a writer?B:Yes,I suffered from illnesses,the family’s frequent moves between Barcelona and Madrid,and the disruptions of the Spanish Civil War.A:Do you want Juan to become a writer

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 03:08:29

英语翻译A:Did you have any hard time in the process of becoming a writer?B:Yes,I suffered from illnesses,the family’s frequent moves between Barcelona and Madrid,and the disruptions of the Spanish Civil War.A:Do you want Juan to become a writer
A:Did you have any hard time in the process of becoming a writer?
B:Yes,I suffered from illnesses,the family’s frequent moves between Barcelona and Madrid,and the disruptions of the Spanish Civil War.
A:Do you want Juan to become a writer just like you?
B:Not necessarily.He can do whatever he wants as long as he’s happy.
A:Did they have an impact on you of becoming a writer?
A:To conclude,do you have any suggestion on life to our audience?
B:People should do what they want to do with a young heart.Your dream will lead you to the path of reaching the goal.

英语翻译A:Did you have any hard time in the process of becoming a writer?B:Yes,I suffered from illnesses,the family’s frequent moves between Barcelona and Madrid,and the disruptions of the Spanish Civil War.A:Do you want Juan to become a writer
A:¿Usted tiene hora dura en el proceso de hacer escritor?B:Sí,
sufrí de enfermedades,de los movimientos frecuentes de la familia
entre Barcelona y Madrid,y de las interrupciones de la guerra civil
A:¿Usted quisiera que Juan sintiera bien a un escritor apenas como
usted?B:No no necesariamente.Él puede hacer lo que él desea
mientras él es feliz.
A:¿Tienen un impacto en usted de sentir bien a un escritor?
A:¿Para concluir,usted tiene sugerencia el vida a nuestras
audiencias?B:La gente debe hacer lo que ella desea hacer con un
corazón joven.Su sueño le conducirá a la trayectoria de alcanzar
la meta.