
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 09:33:38

本论文详细论述了宾馆管理信息系统从立项到设计实施的整个过程,并附以图形及实例.全文首先在“绪论”中简单介绍了管理信息系统的基本概念及其发展情况,及本系统开发过程中所依赖的数据库与开发软件,以方便读者阅读本论文以下章节内容.在“绪论”之后的“系统分析”中,本着经济效益和可行性问题,我们具体讨论了一个实际的酒店管理系统应该具有的功能及如何实现.及进行了“可行性分析”与“需求分析”.该系统的开发技术使用java swing,后台数据库采用Mysql,开发工具采用Myeclipse 8.5.

With the development of science and technology and increasingly fierce competition in hotel industry,how to keep pace with the times,meet new challenges,strengthen the competitive force and innovate the management become the urgency.This hotel management information system is designed to solve the problems above.
This thesis makes detailed introduction of the system from the project approval to construction,attached with pictures and cases.Firstly,the preamable introduces the definition and development of the system as well as the required data base and software.Secondly,in the chapter of system analysis,it explores the necessary functions and the achievement methods through a real hotel management system and conducts the "Feasibility Analysis" and " Requirement Anaysis".This system adopts java swing,Mysql and Myeclipse.