请帮忙翻译一段英文 谢谢~~~Traditional examples of English food include the Sunday roast; featuring a roasted joint, usually beef, lamb or chicken, served with assorted boiled vegetables, Yorkshire pudding and gravy. Other prominent meals i

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 12:53:45

请帮忙翻译一段英文 谢谢~~~Traditional examples of English food include the Sunday roast; featuring a roasted joint, usually beef, lamb or chicken, served with assorted boiled vegetables, Yorkshire pudding and gravy. Other prominent meals i
请帮忙翻译一段英文 谢谢~~~
Traditional examples of English food include the Sunday roast; featuring a roasted joint, usually beef, lamb or chicken, served with assorted boiled vegetables, Yorkshire pudding and gravy. Other prominent meals include fish and chips and the full English breakfast—consisting of bacon, grilled tomatoes, fried bread, black pudding, baked beans, fried mushrooms, sausages and eggs. Various meat pies are consumed such as steak and kidney pie, shepherd's pie, cottage pie, Cornish pasty and pork pie, the later of which is consumed cold. Sausages are commonly eaten, either as bangers and mash or toad in the hole. Lancashire hotpot is a well known stew. Some of the most popular cheeses are Cheddar and Wensleydale. Many Anglo-Indian hybrid dishes, curries, have been created such as chicken tikka masala and balti. Sweet English dishes include apple pie, mince pies, spotted dick, scones, Eccles cakes, custard and sticky toffee pudding. Common drinks include tea, which became far more widely drunk due to Catherine of Braganza,while alcoholic drinks include wines and English beers such as bitter, mild, stout, and brown ale.

请帮忙翻译一段英文 谢谢~~~Traditional examples of English food include the Sunday roast; featuring a roasted joint, usually beef, lamb or chicken, served with assorted boiled vegetables, Yorkshire pudding and gravy. Other prominent meals i

传统的英式食物的例子包括星期天烤肉,用牛肉羊肉或者鸡肉,和煮好的蔬菜一起,约克郡布丁 和肉汁。其他有名的菜 包括 鱼与薯条,还有完整的英式早餐--包括咸猪肉,切好的西红柿,烤面包,黑布丁,烘过的豆子,炒过的蘑菇,香肠还有鸡蛋。还有各种馅饼,牛肉的,腰子的,羊肉的 ,上面铺一层捣碎土豆的肉饼,玉米的 还有猪肉的,有些是吃凉的。还有直接吃的香肠和捣成泥的香肠。兰开夏的罐焖土豆烧肉是有名的炖菜。最有名的...


传统的英式食物的例子包括星期天烤肉,用牛肉羊肉或者鸡肉,和煮好的蔬菜一起,约克郡布丁 和肉汁。其他有名的菜 包括 鱼与薯条,还有完整的英式早餐--包括咸猪肉,切好的西红柿,烤面包,黑布丁,烘过的豆子,炒过的蘑菇,香肠还有鸡蛋。还有各种馅饼,牛肉的,腰子的,羊肉的 ,上面铺一层捣碎土豆的肉饼,玉米的 还有猪肉的,有些是吃凉的。还有直接吃的香肠和捣成泥的香肠。兰开夏的罐焖土豆烧肉是有名的炖菜。最有名的起司是切达奶酪(Cheddar)和文斯莱戴奶酪(Wensleydale)。很多英国印度风格混合的菜,咖喱,比如鸡肉提卡马萨拉(chicken tikka )和巴蒂(balti)。
英式甜食包括 苹果派,肉馅饼,斑点迪克,考小圆面包,伊克糕,蛋奶糊和粘粘的太妃布丁。常用饮料有茶,茶是凯瑟琳布刚扎(嫁到英国的葡萄牙公主)引进的。(嫁到英国的葡萄牙公主) 酒精饮料包括葡萄酒英式啤酒 比如苦啤酒,温啤酒,壮啤酒以及棕浓啤。
