She had broken the record to India by two days?Amy set off on May 5,1930.Her route took her over Vienna,Constantinople,and Baghdad.She was caught in a sandstorm and had to make an emergency landing in the desert.But she landed in India six days later

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 14:11:46

She had broken the record to India by two days?Amy set off on May 5,1930.Her route took her over Vienna,Constantinople,and Baghdad.She was caught in a sandstorm and had to make an emergency landing in the desert.But she landed in India six days later
She had broken the record to India by two days?
Amy set off on May 5,1930.Her route took her over Vienna,Constantinople,and Baghdad.She was caught in a sandstorm and had to make an emergency landing in the desert.But she landed in India six days later.She had broken the record to India by two days.
请问最后的这句She had broken the record to India by two days.是表示她在两天内到达印度还是表示她比纪录提早了两天,在六天内到达印度?
3.Amy had broken the record to India when she arrived there
a) in two days
b) in less than two days
c) in less than six days
d) in more than six days

She had broken the record to India by two days?Amy set off on May 5,1930.Her route took her over Vienna,Constantinople,and Baghdad.She was caught in a sandstorm and had to make an emergency landing in the desert.But she landed in India six days later
1.She had broken the record by two days.
2.the record (of "running/racing") to India
break the record+by+各种可以break的对象(时间,长度等等),这是固定搭配.
the record 后面本应有后置定语running/racing to India,但是由于前后句意清晰,于是省略了表示动作的分词,但还是to India保留了下来,便于理解.遗憾的是由于句法的省略和添加,确实增加了非母语人士的理解!
那么如果'she landed in India six days later',答案应该是D


如果是两天内的话,应该是in two days,前面已经说了是six days later,所以是表示比记录提前两天。


我认为是“她比记录提早了两天”,记录可能在上下文中体现为8天,又或者是通过破纪录“break the record"可得知时间肯定是比原纪录要少,而又通过介词by 得知有可能是通过表示下降减少的动词 decrease/descend/加上介词 by表示减少了两天,也就是“提早了两天”。...


我认为是“她比记录提早了两天”,记录可能在上下文中体现为8天,又或者是通过破纪录“break the record"可得知时间肯定是比原纪录要少,而又通过介词by 得知有可能是通过表示下降减少的动词 decrease/descend/加上介词 by表示减少了两天,也就是“提早了两天”。



我认为是“她比纪录提早了两天”,因为毕竟 “But she landed in India six days later.”是一个事实了,从这句话来看不可能是2天内到达印度的。


she will never foget the day __she had her leg broken in the traffic accidentwhen which in which that With the MP3 she used______,she had to buy another one.A.breaking be broken break D.broken为什么只能选D.前面不是用了used,倒底怎么理解好点? The broken window was the evidence that someone had broken into the house 怎么翻译 The smiths returned home from their holidays,only to find the house_A.had broken intoB.was broken into C.had been broken into D.broken into He _____ into the room and found that she ____by the enemy.A.broke,had been caught B.broke,caught C.broken,was caught D.broken,caught选哪个?为什么?句子意思是? The police found that the house__and a lot of things___.A.had been broken in;had been stolenB.had broken into;had been stolenC.has been broken into;stolenD.had been broken into;stolenA,D两项搞不清楚 She made ______ her business to find out who had broken the C.that D.this 1.force ..out of2.Jane might never have broken the world 100m record had she not fractured her arm;翻译第二个 适当讲解 I had the broken bike ____up this afternoon 7.Though she had her right leg broken,she made____ home with other leg. The car ( ) in 1937 A.was broken out B.had been broken out C.has broken out D.broke out The war ___in 1941.A broke out B had been broken out C was broken out Dhad broken out the police found the house ____ .a.had broken into b.had been broken into 该选哪个, She lived in the house ______ the broken windows. She lived in the house the windows were broken she insisted not only had he been to the school but also had broken the glass of the window.这里but also后可以加he吗?这是省略了还是什么?为什么可以这样? Ben had a broken arm and the motorcyclist had a broken leg.(保持原句意思不变) She looked angrily at the broken vase.怎么翻译?