英语翻译198646.The professor told the 【economicsA】 student that he 【didn’t approveB】 【inC】 his taking the advanced course 【beforeD】 he made a passing mark in Economics.([C] approve of)47.Although a great number of houses in

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 07:20:42

英语翻译198646.The professor told the 【economicsA】 student that he 【didn’t approveB】 【inC】 his taking the advanced course 【beforeD】 he made a passing mark in Economics.([C] approve of)47.Although a great number of houses in
46.The professor told the 【economicsA】 student that he 【didn’t approveB】 【inC】 his taking the advanced course 【beforeD】 he made a passing mark in Economics.([C] approve of)
47.Although a great number of houses in that area 【are stillA】 in need of 【repairB】 there 【have beenC】 improvement in the 【facilitiesD】.([C] has been)
48.Mr.Gilmore is one of those men who 【appearsA】 to be 【friendlyB】 however,it is very hard 【to dealC】 【with himD】.([A] appear)
49.To understand the situation 【completelyA】 【requiresB】 more thought than 【has givenC】 【thus farD】.([C] has been given)
50.A 【great manyA】 educators 【firmlyB】 believe that English is one of 【the poorestC】 taught subjects in high schools 【todayD】.([C] most poorly)
51.Of all his 【outdoorA】 activities.Paul likes fishing 【best of allB】 but he doesn’t enjoy 【cleaningC】 fishing rods 【afterwardsD】.([B] (the) best,(the) most)
52.I 【shouldA】 not have recognized 【theB】 man 【evenC】 you 【had toldD】 me his name.([C] even if,even though)
53.【In an hour’sA】 time I had done the work 【withB】 my satisfaction; I got my hat 【inC】 hall and slipped out 【unnoticedD】.([B] to)
54.The new hotel 【has erectedA】 a beautiful building 【withB】 recreation areas and conference facilities on the top floor 【in whichC】 the finest view of the city 【can be obtainedD】.([C] where,from which,on which)
55.While 【inA】 Europe,the tourists enjoyed 【toB】 their 【heart’sC】 content the weather,the food and 【going to the theatreD】.([D] the theatre)

英语翻译198646.The professor told the 【economicsA】 student that he 【didn’t approveB】 【inC】 his taking the advanced course 【beforeD】 he made a passing mark in Economics.([C] approve of)47.Although a great number of houses in
46.The professor told the 【economicsA】 student that he 【didn’t approveB】 【inC】 his taking the advanced course 【beforeD】 he made a passing mark in Economics.
([C] approve of)
approve是不及物动词(vi.) 词组是approve of(赞同...),而不是approve in
47.Although a great number of houses in that area 【are stillA】 in need of 【repairB】 there 【have beenC】 improvement in the 【facilitiesD】.([C] has been)
a number of 后谓语跟单数,区别the number of 后谓语跟复数,两者都解释为大量,后都跟可数名词复数形式(pl.),
因而这题只需看a number of houses 后跟的谓语就应该是has been
48.Mr.Gilmore is one of those men who 【appearsA】 to be 【friendlyB】 however,it is very hard 【to dealC】 【with himD】.([A] appear)
those men 是复数,其后定语从句的谓语对应跟appear
49.To understand the situation 【completelyA】 【requiresB】 more thought than 【has givenC】 【thus farD】.([C] has been given)
这是准关系代词than引导的定语从句,than指代的是整个主句这一件事(To understand the situation completely requires more thought),因而主语(这件事)后接的谓语应该是被动形式,又由于thus far=so far(迄今为止)是现在完成时标志词,所以是现在完成时被动has been given
50.A 【great manyA】 educators 【firmlyB】 believe that English is one of 【the poorestC】 taught subjects in high schools 【todayD】.([C] most poorly)
poor不是修饰subjects,而是修饰taught(被教的),它是分词做形容词,形容词就应该用副词修饰,要用副词poorly修饰,副词最高级用most poorly
51.Of all his 【outdoorA】 activities.Paul likes fishing 【best of allB】 but he doesn’t enjoy 【cleaningC】 fishing rods 【afterwardsD】.([B] (the) best,(the) most)
Of all his outdoor activities是范围,而后应该用做高级the best(修饰动词解释为最怎么怎么样),best of all也有最的意思,但一般在已有范围的语境中,不在一句句子中重现of all,直接用the best或the most.
best of all 一般用语句首,如Best of all ,you should make a plan.你最好还是制定一个计划,
或加个the ,如the school has many good teacher but she is the best of all.这个学校有很多好的老师,但她是最好的一个.
52.I 【shouldA】 not have recognized 【theB】 man 【evenC】 you 【had toldD】 me his name.([C] even if,even though)
连接两句句子,要用连接词,even是曾经的意思,不能连接句子,even if解释即使,是连词,可接从句.
53.【In an hour’sA】 time I had done the work 【withB】 my satisfaction; I got my hat 【inC】 hall and slipped out 【unnoticedD】.([B] to)
词组to my satisfaction令我感到满意的是,区别with my satisfaction
54.The new hotel 【has erectedA】 a beautiful building 【withB】 recreation areas and conference facilities on the top floor 【in whichC】 the finest view of the city 【can be obtainedD】.([C] where,from which,on which)
这是由which引导的定语从句,可还原成两句句子,The new hotel has erected a beautiful building with recreation areas and conference facilities on the top floor .
The finest view of the city can be obtained from the top floor.
which指代了the top floor,the floor用方位词on或from修饰,分别解释在楼上或从楼上,在语法上也没有in the floor的形式.
where=from which,或where=on which
55.While 【inA】 Europe,the tourists enjoyed 【toB】 their 【heart’sC】 content the weather,the food and 【going to the theatreD】.([D] the theatre)
and后应该接名词,构成三个名词的排列规律,如I like to eat apples,peaches and bananas.(我喜欢吃苹果,桃子和香蕉)

46、approve of 固定搭配,意为“赞同,支持”。
47、there be句型,be动词的单复数由他后面所加的宾语决定。本句中improvement是不可数名词,所以用has been。


46、approve of 固定搭配,意为“赞同,支持”。
47、there be句型,be动词的单复数由他后面所加的宾语决定。本句中improvement是不可数名词,所以用has been。
48、appear 一词的用法有很多样。本句还有定语从句关系,those men who 【appearsA】 to be friendly,who做men的先行词,表示的是复数,所以他后面的appear就得用原型,而不能用第三人称单数。另外,who的意思也比较灵活,要注意。
翻译:Mr. Gilmore似乎是一个友好人士,然而,很难和他融洽相处。
49、主被动的问题,可以用主语来判断,主语是人的可以被动,也可以主动,但主语是物的,就一定是被动了。本句主语是the situation,属于物,所以用被动语态。
poor这里修饰动词teach,所以是副词,所以首先要变成poorly。然后,根据副词变最高级的规则,只能是 most poorly,而不可以是poorest。
51、首先要明白best of all的意思,这个短语的意思是“所有当中最好的”,是个形容词性的词组。其次, 要修饰 Paul likes fishing 的词组只能是修饰likes,也就是所必须是副词性的,所以要改为 the best 或 the most。
翻译:所有的户外活动中,pual 最喜欢钓鱼。但是钓完鱼后,他不喜欢清理渔具。
52、首先要明白 even 和 even if、even though 的区别:even是副词,even if 、even though 是连词词组。副词是不能修饰整个句子的,更不能连接两个分句。所以要改为even if 、even though。
53、这里要区分 to 和 with的意思:to 有到达、达到、对、向等义。with有和、跟……一起等意思。这句话是说“在一个小时的时间之内,我已经按要求完成了工作”,所以要改为to.
54、本句是地点状语从句,所以用where ,不用which。若用which,则它前面必须加介词,而这个介词必须是从后面分句中提前的,意思必须符合分句的意义。所以不能用in。
55、the theatre是和the weather 、the food 并列的短语,所以结构要一致。上面错误短语造成了一个句子有两个谓语动词,而且这两个谓语动词时态还不一致。
