求动词过去式+复数+ing 过去式:stop study build drin drive draw eat feed fly find grow hear lend lose make ride say speak stand sweep spend swim think teach read begin bring buy hoid know keep leave feel throw write can 复数:boy shelf to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 22:29:00

求动词过去式+复数+ing 过去式:stop study build drin drive draw eat feed fly find grow hear lend lose make ride say speak stand sweep spend swim think teach read begin bring buy hoid know keep leave feel throw write can 复数:boy shelf to
过去式:stop study build drin drive draw eat feed fly find grow hear lend lose make ride say speak stand sweep spend swim think teach read begin bring buy hoid know keep leave feel throw write can
复数:boy shelf toy dictionary country knife tomato
ing形式:take come put

求动词过去式+复数+ing 过去式:stop study build drin drive draw eat feed fly find grow hear lend lose make ride say speak stand sweep spend swim think teach read begin bring buy hoid know keep leave feel throw write can 复数:boy shelf to
过去式stopped studied built drank drove drew ate fed flew found grew heard
lent lost made rode said spoke stood swept spent swam thought taught read began brought bought held knew kept left feel threw wrote could
复数:boys shelves toys dictionaries countries knives tomatoes
ing形式:taking coming putting

过去式stopped studied built drank drove drew ate fed flew found grew heard
lent lost made rode said spoke stood swept spent swam thought brought bought held knew kept left fe...


过去式stopped studied built drank drove drew ate fed flew found grew heard
lent lost made rode said spoke stood swept spent swam thought brought bought held knew kept left feel threw wrote
复数:boys shelves toys dictionaries countries knives tomatoes
ing形式:taking coming putting


stopped studied built drank drove drew ate fed flied found grew heard lent lost made rode said spoke stood swept spent swam thouht taught read began bought held knew kept left felt threw wrote could
boys shelves toys dictionaries countries knives tomatoes
taking coming putting